Clear blue sky and bright sun when the Crown Princess visited Sonfjället

The Crown Princess has planned to visit all of Sweden’s 30 national parks to encourage outdoor life and show what nature experiences are available in Sweden. Sonfjället was the third park she visited.

– It was fantastic to be able to do this trip with so many knowledgeable people from the county board, among other things, precisely to learn, to learn more about not only the national park but about nature in general, says Crown Princess Victoria.

Previously, she has visited the more southern national parks Färnebofjärden and Garphyttan.

Staying a while longer in Jämtland

After the visit, the Crown Princess went on to Åre Business Forum and after that visit she will meet entrepreneurs in the area before returning home to Stockholm.

Hear what the Crown Princess thought of the visit to Sonfjället National Park in the video above.
