Cleaning lady, nanny … here is why these services will cost more this year

Cleaning lady nanny here is why these services will cost

Individual employers will have to get their hands a little more to the portfolio if they want to continue using these services. It is an obligation for everyone!

In France, more than 3 million individuals employ an employee at home. Some do it to better organize their daily lives, others, more fragile, need more regular help, and then there are also many parents who use a nanny for the care of their children. All this necessarily has a cost for the individual who is an employer in the eyes of the law, and it is therefore up to him to manage wages, social contributions, and to respect the rights of his employee (holidays, employment contract, etc. .). Precisely, since January 2, 2025, a large novelty has concerned home employees.

If you are concerned, you certainly know, it is a legal obligation which dates from 2011: individuals must ensure the follow -up of their employee by occupational medicine. But in reality, it is often complicated for individual employers to take steps or simply to obtain an appointment with occupational medicine. This is why, the social partners and the federation of individual employers in France (FEPEM) have set up a brand new service.

Home employees are finally entitled to their own national prevention and health service (SPSTN). This allows them to have access to all of their social rights, like any other employee, even if they are part -time. But then, what does this change for individual employers? We asked the question to Julie l’Hotel Delhoume, president of FEPEM: “In return, to operate this service, there is an additional contribution to pay by individual employers. It aims to be as united as possible. “

This contribution is attached to the salary of employees and is taken every month by URSSAF: “As a percentage, it’s 2.5% of the salary, but it has been capped at 5 euros per month and per employee. Which means that even if you have a considerable hourly volume because you use your employee 150 hours per Week, you will pay 5 euros per month, or 60 euros per year. explained the president of the FEPEM to us. So yes, individual employers will now pay a little more expensive their employee at home, but they also provide them with having health follow -up. Which is not negligible these days.

This novelty applies to all home employment sectors as soon as the professional is declared: both for cleaning women, nannies and home aids. And above all, it is a contribution that is compulsory. No individual employer can derogate from it.
