The bottom of the saucepan is usually a little hotter than the rest of the saucepan, as it is closer to the stove plate which easily makes you burn what you cook.
Removing burnt rice or a burnt sauce from the bottom of a saucepan can be both difficult and time -consuming. But did you know that there are some simple tricks that make your saucepan like new again in no time?
Here lists News24 some useful housewife tricks to clean a burnt saucepan
A good housewife trick to remove the burnt in the bottom of your saucepan is to use a sugar bite, which too Everyone’s rewritten. If you rub the sugar bite towards the bottom, it dissolves the dirt easier.
You can also sprinkle some baking powder on the bottom of your saucepan and then pour on water. The baking powder will then start to bubble and if you leave it so overnight it will help remove the burnt in the saucepan
Mixing water 3: 1 with vinegar and boiling it in the burnt saucepan can also work to easily get the burnt, according to the newspaper Country.
You can clean your saucepan with a little bicarbonate. You let your saucepan cool completely before putting in some water and bicarbonate, the mixture then gets to simmer on a while and then just scrub with a dish brush. Mankan also scrub the bottom with steel wool if the frying pan is not in teflon or other nonstick coating, writes House and home.