Classified documents found at home of ex-Vice President Mike Pence

Classified documents found at home of ex Vice President Mike Pence

After Donald Trump and Joe Biden, documents have been found at the home of former Vice President Mike Pence.

With our correspondent in Washington, Guillaume Naudin

It is a dozen documents that were found last week at the home of Mike Pence, in the State of Indiana, by the lawyers of the former vice-president of Donald Trump. They let it be known that the documents found, of which we do not know the nature or the importance, were immediately given to the FBI.

Like the White House and Joe Biden, Mike Pence pleads the error of inadvertence and highlights his good collaboration with the authorities. From this point of view, like the current president, he intends to stand out from Donald Trump, whose legal team has done everything to hinder or slow down the investigation of the national archives.

What’s annoying for Mike Pence is that when of the first revelations on the documents dating from the vice-presidency of Joe Biden in various offices and residences, he had insisted heavily in the media on how exemplary he had been in his handling of official documents. He obviously had doubts since he had the research done at his home.

With these new revelations, no one is able to claim a moral superiority of responsibility. And we are beginning to hear, among Democrats and Republicans, that there may be a general operating problem rather than a political one to be resolved.
