Clashes between protesters and police at AFD congress in Germany

Already on Friday, riots broke out between demonstrators and police outside the far-right AFD’s party conference in the German city of Essen.

On Saturday morning, a group of protesters tried to break through a police cordon at the site and the police reportedly used pepper spray and batons, according to the German newspaper DW.

Over two days, approximately 600 participants from the far-right party AFD will meet. Among other things, a new national management must be chosen.

Growing support

The congress takes place just a few weeks after the EU elections, where AFD, despite several scandals and accusations of anti-Semitism and racism, made a record election.

Although organizers say the protests against the party will be peaceful, police fear violence from the far-left protesters. The authorities have appealed to the demonstrators to “stay away from violent acts and troublemakers”.

In total, around 100,000 people are expected to participate in demonstrations against the far-right party.

At the same time, the European Football Championship is also taking place in Dortmund near Essen, which means another crowd for the police to attend to.
