Clara Luciani recounts her school bullying

Clara Luciani recounts her school bullying

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    In an interview with our colleagues from Parisian, singer Clara Luciani returned to the school harassment of which she was the victim.

    It started when I was 6 years old. The other kids made fun of my height. I was already very tall. You can see it on my CP class photo, I’m the same size as the teacher. At 11, I was 1.76m tall. And then I was at the top of the class, and a bit of a weird girl who liked to take refuge in books. And, when we have differences, it doesn’t miss, unfortunately” explains Clara Luciani. She adds : “I was mocked: “The big asparagus”, “What the weather is up there”, “You’re ugly“…”

    Harassment endured in silence

    It is with these words that the singer confides in the school harassment of which she was a victim when she was younger, during her schooling, because of her size, in particular. If she has the strength to talk about it today, this was not the case at the time of the events. “She didn’t talk about it to us directly. We learned things much later. She was very secretive“ confirms his father.

    “I felt rejected”

    Sometimes the children went further in their harassment. “Clever little guys had fun putting thumbtacks or open ink cartridges on my chair. It took on such proportions that I went to school with a lump in my stomach and the desire to disappear. I was very alone. I felt rejected, worthless, ugly, and unable to fit into the mold. It lasted the time of college” admits the interpreter of the title Granada.

    The young woman also claims to have kept traces of this harassment: “I built myself around what I was, that is to say the unloved of the school and when I look at myself, it is still this version of myself that I see. What’s hard are the stigmas that you carry all your life with you“.

    revenge on life

    Clara Luciani, now 30, who likes to appear on stage in sequined costumes, has still made a success of her life. She is at the heart of a documentary entitled “It starts like that” broadcast since Wednesday February 8 on Prime Video.

    My story is neither more nor less that of the ugly duckling. In a world such as the one we live in at the moment, it wouldn’t hurt to have a little parenthesis of love and “success story”. That’s also what it says. Even if there are obstacles, it’s difficult and I’m starting from something a little complicated, in the end it works. I really wanted to convey a message of hope. I wish I had this type of testimony when I was 15 and I was bored at school, that I felt like I would never achieve anything in life. I tell myself that maybe this documentary will be watched by other young people and that it will allow them to believe in it in turn. she explains in an interview with Le Figaro. A positive message for all teenage fans of the singer.

    Listening numbers still in place

    For students in situations of harassment or even for witnesses, listening and advice numbers have been made available to them.

    • 3020, “No to harassment”, open Monday to Friday, from 9 a.m. to 8 p.m. and Saturday from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. (except public holidays). When no listener is available, the call switches directly to the caller’s academy dedicated phone line.
    • The 3018 “Net enseignement”, more specifically dedicated to cyberbullying, open Monday to Friday from 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. This free, anonymous and confidential number is accessible 6 days a week, from 9 a.m. to 8 p.m. The service is also available on live chat, via Messenger and WhatsApp or by downloading the 3018 application:

    These are free, anonymous, confidential numbers.
