Claire Passy: “My thousand and one lives [de Bud Spencer] helps to perpetuate the cultural and cinematographic heritage of a bygone era”

Claire Passy My thousand and one lives de Bud Spencer

It seems unnecessary to introduce the great Bud Spencer, an essential icon of Italian cinema from the 1970s to the 1990s, and yet. Beyond the actor whose corpulence is matched only by his talent, lies an incredible life story. Discover through the pages how the young son of an industrialist went from high-level athlete to internationally renowned actor.

Mention the name Bud Spencer to any forty-something and over and they will respond with a smile “The slap man” of cinema. Terence Hill’s comrade-in-arms, with whom he signed the finest hours of the Italian spaghetti western, but also of the action film. But the guy was not content to be imposing only in the cinema for several decades. Actor, swimmer, water polo player, screenwriter, television producer, singer, politician… Carlo Pedersoli (his real name) had a thousand and one lives, and it’s a good thing, it’s the title of his autobiography which has finally just been published in the language of Molière by the publisher à part®. Did you know that he had participated in the Olympic Games? This is only one of the many facets of the man, behind the actor, that you will discover by reading this book.

This edition is not just an opportunistic translation, on the name of a great actor. We can feel the publisher’s love for this title. The adaptation is a real work of art, with notes that accompany the author’s many puns in Italian. In addition, it is the only version in the world of this autobiography to be enriched with a word from Terence Hill, his schoolboy sidekick. The perfect opportunity for Linternaute to talk with Claire Passy, ​​the editor of this book, already essential for any fan of the genre. how and why did this title arrive at the publisher à part®?

Claire Passy: Christophe Pavlevski, founder of L’éditeur à part®, is a fervent admirer of Bud Spencer. Having nurtured the project of founding his own publishing house for years, Christophe finally realized his dream by creating L’éditeur à part® with François-Xavier Bellest and myself. Once this step was taken, he decided to realize another dream, that of linking his passion for spaghetti westerns, Bud Spencer and Terence Hill, with his new company. He then began searching for the rights for the publication of this long-awaited biography. After a series of chance encounters, including a memorable tasting of ice cream at Gelateria Girotti in the 6th arrondissement of Paris, he finally established contact with the children of Bud Spencer and Terence Hill. This meeting was the starting point of a fruitful collaboration that resulted in the publication of My thousand and one livesthe biography of Bud Spencer, still non-existent in France.

The decision to publish this biography was deeply rooted in the philosophy of L’éditeur à part®. By shedding new light on Bud Spencer’s unique personality, this book perfectly embodies the very essence of our publishing house. In these complex times, it offers a breath of lightness and revives nostalgia among fans of these cinema classics. In addition, it creates an intergenerational bridge allowing new generations to discover or rediscover the timeless charm of spaghetti westerns.

By offering the opportunity to immerse oneself in the teeming universe of Bud Spencer, My thousand and one lives helps to perpetuate the cultural and cinematic legacy of a bygone era, while providing a timeless source of inspiration for future generations.

It is also worth noting that few people know that Bud Spencer was an accomplished athlete, a top swimmer who even competed in the Olympic Games. By honoring his memory, we are highlighting not only his cinematic talent but also his contribution to the world of sport, thus highlighting the multidimensional aspect of his legacy.

This is an incredibly rich title. Did you do a special casting to find a translator who was a fan of the author? How did you manage the very many notes?

© The publisher apart®

We did not conduct a specific casting to select a translator, preferring to adopt a collaborative and committed approach. Our main objective was to enrich the work collectively. Christophe Pavlevski, with his solid command of the Italian language, was at the origin of this approach. Similarly, François-Xavier Bellest, steeped in the teaching of Umberto Eco and an expert in semiology and semantics, made a valuable contribution by using his linguistic subtleties to arrive at the choice of the title My thousand and one lives.

As literary director at the publisher à part®, I also played my part by seeking the help of my friend Chiara Stella Stizioli, a doctor in French and Italian literature. Thanks to the passionate and kind help of my friend Chiara Stella as well as that of several experts in Italian cinema and linguistics, we were able to arrive at this incredibly rich title, as you say, but also at a faithful translation while preserving the humorous spirit and the rich personality of Bud Spencer.

Our goal went far beyond simply translating the text; it was about transcending it in order to fully reflect Bud Spencer’s subtle humor and authenticity in the French language.

The part that will be most interesting to the French audience are the anecdotes about the films and his relationship with Terence Hill. Were you tempted to cut the original version to make a more condensed version in France?

By choosing to publish My thousand and one livesL’éditeur à part® is committed to preserving the very essence of Bud Spencer’s fascinating story, in all its singularity and originality. This biography offers us an immersive dive into the life and career of this extraordinary artist and athlete, while revealing little-known facets of his personality. Reducing the text would have compromised this mission by directing the narrative in a way that would not faithfully reflect the author. This option therefore never crossed our minds.

It is true that the relationship between Bud Spencer and Terence Hill is of great interest, but this biography goes far beyond mere on-set anecdotes. By exploring the different stages of Bud Spencer’s life, from his exhilarating experiences in South America to his encounters with leading figures of the time, we discover the richness and complexity of his journey. This book reveals an unexpected depth that goes beyond the traditional image of two friends meeting on the sets of a film. “My Thousand and One Lives” offers us a captivating journey through the story of an exceptional man, whose life deserves to be celebrated in all its splendor.

How did you come up with the idea of ​​asking Terence Hill to write a preface? and how did it happen?

Our decision to ask Terence Hill to write the foreword to My thousand and one lives emerged from our meeting with the sons of Bud Spencer and Terence Hill. This meeting, much more than a simple formality to obtain the publishing rights, marked the beginning of a collaboration marked by respect and shared passion for the cinematic legacy of these two icons. We aspired to capture as closely as possible the essence of Carlo Perdersoli, aka Bud Spencer, and who better than his close friends and Terence Hill to enlighten us on certain aspects of his life?

This relationship, which has grown stronger over time, convinced us of the importance of following through with our initiative. So, we simply approached Terence Hill to ask him to write the preface. Aware of our unique editorial approach and our deep respect for their story, Terence was touched and enthusiastically agreed to participate in this publication. Although others may have made this request before, our commitment as separate editors, focused not on the texts but on the authors, was the driving force behind this unique and enriching collaboration.

We know very little about the biography market in the world of books. Can you explain its size in France (all publishers combined) and what are your expectations for this title?

© The publisher apart®

In France, the biography market represents about 1% of the book market. This segment is generally dominated by publications highlighting media personalities such as athletes, actors, politicians and members of royal families, published mainly by large publishing houses. As a new player in this specific market, L’éditeur à part® offers a different approach. We focus not only on media personalities, but also on individuals with exceptional and often unknown life stories, thus offering a deep reflection on our society and giving a voice to those who do not usually have one.

For example, from the very beginning, we chose to publish Time for why!the biography of Juliette Klotz, whose remarkable journey led her from indoctrination in the Hitler Youth to a passionate commitment to protecting people forced into exile. This approach is part of our commitment to memory and the diversity of voices.

The publication of My Thousand and One Lives by Bud Spencer is part of this same line, aiming to highlight the different facets of this cinema icon and to pay tribute to his inspiring resilience, both artistically and sportingly.

As for our sales expectations, although we consider that a successful release would be one that reached around 5,000 copies sold, we measure the success of our publications not only in terms of numbers, but above all in terms of impact on our readership. If My thousand and one lives manages to create intergenerational bonds and arouse the curiosity of the youngest, then we will consider this a much more significant success.

Does the release of this biography (the second in the catalogue) suggest others to come in your catalogue?

Absolutely. The release of this biography is indeed a precursor to a series of new publications to come. We remain committed to publishing unique and inspiring stories, while continuing to receive new texts and to collaborate with unique personalities. We also offer our pens to people who want to tell their stories but do not necessarily know how or do not dare to write. We are here to accompany them in this process and to bring their stories to life in an authentic and captivating way.

Thus, by the end of the year, we plan to present a joint portrait of two exceptional women, whose life paths have been marked by resilience and determination despite their differences and the distance that separates them.

As the injustices and inequalities faced by women are increasingly highlighted, we have chosen to highlight stories of resilience and success, where these women have been able to overcome difficult situations and find something positive. Their stories are much better told by themselves. We look forward to sharing these captivating stories with our readers. Stay tuned.

My thousand and one lives, Bud Spencer, the publisher apart®, 20€
