Claim: GTA VI (GTA 6) may not be released in 2024

Claim GTA VI GTA 6 may not be released in

As recently officially confirmed GTA VI (GTA 6) The official trailer for the game was released at the beginning of December. is coming. So when is the game itself coming?

GTA VI (GTA 6) It has not been announced yet when the release date will be. This information is expected to be given at the end of the trailer that was officially shared at the beginning of December, while many different sources indicate that the production is currently in progress. He thinks 2024 will only eventually be playable. In fact, some industry insiders think that there is a 90 percent chance that the game will be delayed before its release, and therefore the release will be delayed until the beginning of 2025. Rockstar Games has made some last-minute postponement decisions in the past, so GTA VI (GTA 6) The probability of 2025 is quite high. The statement made by Sam Houser about the game recently, if you missed it, was as follows: “Next month is Rockstar Games’ 25th Anniversary. Thanks to the incredible support of our players, we have the opportunity to create games we are truly passionate about. None of this would be possible without you, and we are so grateful to all of you for sharing this journey with us. Rockstar Games was founded in 1998 on the idea that games could become as important to culture as other forms of entertainment, and in our effort to be a part of that evolution, we hope we’re creating games you’ll love. “We are excited to announce that we will be releasing the first trailer for the next Grand Theft Auto in early December.”


very curious About GTA 6 Jason Schreier Important information was previously given by. In the game, it is stated that the development process is progressing slower than expected due to significant changes in the working environment within the company and the pandemic. For the first time in GTA history, there will be a playable Latina female character.

It is said that the production was inspired by the legend of Bonnie & Clyde. We will encounter two different main characters.. The action-packed scenario, built around male and female characters who are expected to have an emotional bond, will be handled in Miami and its surroundings.

According to the claims made before, the new game is different from other versions. It was also said that it will have a structure that can expand over time.. At that time, it was said that the game world would be gradually enlarged with new maps to be added after the release, but it is still not fully clear what decision was made on this issue at the final stage.
