The actor Claes Malmberg has a long career and is known from films such as “Lotta på Bråkmakargatan” and “Saltön”.
And of course it pays to be an actor, it was noticed when News24 took a look at Malmberg’s income. According to documents from Tax Agency he had a fixed earned income of SEK 295,469 in 2020. As well as a surplus of capital of SEK 575,858.
Claes Malmberg has been affected by cancer
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Claes Malmberg received 2 million in salary
Claes Malmberg has five children, one of whom is the youngest, Pearlhas a large profile on Tiktok with over 270,000 followers. In one clip, she asks her father what is the highest amount he has received from a job and the answer makes her jaw drop.
– I have received… I think it is two million, says Claes Malmberg in the clip.
– Did you get two million for working for three days? says Perla Malmberg back.
– Yes, yes, but it was also a special job, he replies.
All about Claes Malmberg: The wives, the illness and the five children
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