Coffin in the living room, tombstone in the garden and farewell testament on the desk in the computer. Claes Blixt has raked the arena for his loved ones before his death. But Claes has no longing for death. On the contrary – he wants to live and the coffin reminds him of life. Crafts teacher Claes Blixt started building kayaks and started a kayak course. But after a participant mentioned that kayaks are wobbly and you could die, a new thought arose in the crafts teacher. He started a course for people who wanted to build their own coffins. When the course was over, he stood in his home with his own coffin that he had built. The coffin had to become part of the home and has been ever since. Over time, he has also built his own tombstone and has a document in the computer called “my ending”. But Claes has noticed that the coffin has symbolized life for him, he wants to live life – big or small. Feels alive So even though it’s different that the coffin is located in the middle of his living room, it makes him feel alive. – It gives me the thought that life is finite at any time. It can stop at any time. It makes me think and use my life and everyday life as much as possible, says Claes Blixt. When Efter Fem greets Claes Blixt, he tells why he did all this and his family also tells what they think. In the clip: Claes Blixt and his daughter tell how they see his coffin and future plans
Claes has his own coffin in the living room: “Reminds me to live”