civilians dead after clashes between Mayi-Mayi militias in Tshopo province

civilians dead after clashes between Mayi Mayi militias in Tshopo province

In the DRC, a clash between two Mayi-Mayi militias in the province of Tshopo caused the death of several civilians last week in the territory of Bafwasende. According to local elected officials and civil society, these are a consequence of the conflict between government forces and the M23, supported by Rwanda, in this mining area located on the border of the provinces of Tshopo and North Kivu.

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According to local authorities, at least four deaths were recorded in the camp of a pro-government militia, Mai-Mai Maradona, attacked by the men of Sengo Shokoro, leader of an armed group. Civil society evokes another, much heavier toll.

There are more or less 25 dead. There are even children who are running amok. They don’t know where their parent is », Explains Aliene Kabange, a community actor in the Bafwasende territory.

The territory of Bafawasende is a mining area. This is an issue for the different militias and for Tryphon Saidi, provincial deputy, links are even possible between the M23 and Sengo Shokoro’s group. “ The M23 has a broker called Biamungu, he held a meeting where the Mai-Mai live. He clearly told the Mayi-Mayi that he was sent by the M23, and that they wanted to take Kisangani. »

Following this violence, entire villages were emptied of these inhabitants.
