civil society speaks out on the crisis with Benin after the arrest of five Nigeriens

five Nigerien nationals arrested at the Seme Kpodji terminal

In Niamey, this Sunday, June 9, several Nigerien civil society organizations and unions gathered for a joint speech on the subject of tensions with neighboring Benin. In their joint declaration, members of civil society and unions meeting earlier in Niamey denounced a plan “ Machiavellian ” of “ Western imperialism “.

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For the signatories of the declaration, “ the new strategy ” of this ” western imperialism “consists of provoking an armed conflict between Niger and Benin at all costs” in which France will interfere ».

From the point of view of civil society organizations and unions meeting this Sunday in Niamey, the Beninese president, Patrice Talon, is carrying with Paris a project to destabilize Niger while the CNSP does not give in to provocations.

Wednesday, five Nigerien citizens are arrested in Sèmè-Kpodji at the Beninese port terminal of the pipeline through which Nigerien oil passes. The next day, the prosecutor spoke of doubts about their identity, the use of false badges and fraudulent entry onto the site.

Saturday June 8, 2024, the military authorities of Niamey, in a communication, denounce a kidnapping, a hostage taking. The CNSP affirms that it was an official and compliant mission to monitor the loading of Nigerien oil.

This Sunday, June 9, 2024, the Nigerien civil society organizations and unions signatories to the declaration condemn a “ kidnapping ” and an “ sequestration of our compatriots members of WAPCO Niger “. They demand immediate and unconditional releases. The signatories also announce the establishment of vigilance and response committees in the neighborhoods. And the organization on Friday June 21 of demonstrations in support of the CNSP throughout the territory.

Read alsoWho is Wapco, the Chinese operator of the pipeline of discord between Benin and Niger?
