City to honor community booster Tracey Bucci

City to honor community booster Tracey Bucci

The city plans to honor Tracey Bucci with a permanent memorial, possibly near the river she loved so much.

count. Jan Vanderstelt received unanimous support from fellow councilors at an operations committee meeting on Tuesday to recognize Bucci, who died last month at age 50, with the installation of a sign or some other kind of permanent recognition of her longtime volunteer work.

Bucci was the president and force for nearly 20 years behind the Grand River Environmental Group, which held river cleanups that dredge up mountains of garbage in and around the river, Mohawk Lake and other city locations.

“The first spring after I became mayor, Tracey invited me to a river cleanup,” said Mayor Kevin Davis.

“I remember arriving and thinking, ‘How does someone collect so much garbage? Everybody was very passionate and enthusiastic. It was impressive how Tracey was able to inspire that year in and year out. You got swept up in the passion.”

Vanderstelt called Bucci “an angel.”

“She was so kind, so giving, so helpful, so conscious of the environment around her and the people in that environment. She had such a long history and dedication to making sure that, not only did she take personal action, she put together an organization that takes action to look after our beloved spaces.”

Concerned about the growing problem of homelessness in the city, and believing “nobody should ever feel alone or lost in the world,” Bucci established a group in 2018 known as the Brantford Guardian Angels, distributing gift cards, water, food, tents and sleeping bags to those in need.

“Tracey was a leader and she would call on members of council on a regular basis to have us work with her and her groups, all working toward a common goal of leaving Brantford better than we found it,” said Vanderstelt.

“What I’m hoping is we can find the most appropriate spot for something that’s uniquely tailored to everything Tracey was and represented.”

Bucci’s cleanup eventually became an annual Grand River Environmental Festival where, over the years, councilors took turns flipping burgers at a community barbecue.

“She made us aware of how important the river was,” said Coun. Richard Carpenter. “She was a tremendous Brantford booster.”

count. John Sless praised Bucci’s commitment to the community but hopes there is more effort made to honor serving city residents while they’re living.

“We should be saying thank you in person so they know they were appreciated,” he said.

After consultation with the Bucci family, city staff will bring a report to council with details about a suitable memorial.
