Brantford City council on Tuesday condemned the attacks on Israel by Hamas that resulted in death, destruction and abduction of innocent people.
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Councilors, at a committee meeting, endorsed a resolution supporting Israel. The resolution, brought forward by Coun. Dan McCreary calls the attacks “cowardly terrorist actions” not seen since the Sept. 11, 2001 attack on the United States.
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“It’s a tragedy for both sides of that border in that troubled land,” McCreary said. “But there can be no equivocation.
“Just as we debated an intimate partner violence resolution a few days ago, there can be no excuse, no debate, no however, there can be no buts.”
McCreary called the action a “horrendous act” that caused much death. The retaliation will cause much more death.
“This truly is hate and it has caused death and suffering that will continue,” McCreary said. “I think it’s important that we in the City of Brantford recognize that we have residents who can trace their lineage to both of those regions.
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“It’s a credit to those folks here that there have been no displays such that we have seen in Montreal and Toronto which celebrated the deaths of thousands of people on both sides of that border.”
International news reports have put the death toll at more than 1,800 as of Tuesday night.
The resolution, which will come before city council for approval on Oct. 24, sends the city’s condolences to victims of the attacks on both sides of the border. It also “condemns the actions of these cowardly terrorists and there state and non-state sponsors.”
As well, the resolution condemns the actions of Canadian residents who publicly celebrated the attacks on Israel. It calls for the return of all hostages being held in Gaza and for Canada to consider financial aid for Israel to replenish depleted stocks of defensive anti-missile systems.
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The resolution also calls for the lights at city hall to be illuminated with the colors of the Israeli flag until the cessation of hostilities.
Most of the clauses in the resolution passed unanimously but Mayor Kevin Davis and councilors Rose Sicoli and Brian Van Tilborg voted against providing financial aid to replenish defensive anti-missile systems.
“I would rather see us provide aid other than military,” Van Tilborg said. “There is the other side – the humanitarian side.
“There are a whole bunch of things that Canada can do and I believe we can deliver better things for all.”
Davis said he “strongly condemns what can only be described as being brutal terrorist attacks perpetrated by Hamas targeting innocent civilians.”
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Davis extended his condolences to all of the innocent civilians regardless of whether the live in Palestine or Israel.
“It’s right to condemn acts that are brutal and savage,” Davis said. “We stand by Israel and its right to defend itself and its citizens.
“Also tragic to my mind is that the long-term implications of this clearly are to basically eviscerate the possibility of a peaceful resolution in the Middle East and that is truly tragic.”
Davis said he had some concerns about providing financial aid for military uses. He also said that it might take some time before the lights of city hall could be illuminated in the colors of the Israeli flag.
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