city ​​by city, the scores of Macron and Le Pen

city ​​by city the scores of Macron and Le Pen

What are the results of this second round of the presidential election near you? Find the score of Marine Le Pen and that of Emmanuel Macron, already sure of being re-elected, city by city, on our interactive map.

Presidential results near you

[Mis à jour le 25 avril 2022 à 00h41] Emmanuel Macron is back for a second term. The outgoing president will ensure his own succession with 58.8% according to estimates by Ipsos Steria for France 2, against 41.2% for Marine Le Pen. But which departments and which cities were the most favorable to this re-election? Which localities would have elected Marine Le Pen on the contrary? As the counting progresses, the results are gradually updated by the polling institutes, while the Ministry of the Interior communicates updates regularly. Thus at 10:20 p.m., on the basis of 88% of votes cast counted, 56.2% of voters chose Emmanuel Macron, and 43.8% opted for Marine Le Pen. Find results near you with our interactive map.

You can also view below the distribution of the vote in favor of Emmanuel Macron this Sunday, April 24, 2022 during the 2nd round of the presidential election as well as that in favor of Marine Le Pen, credited with more than 40% of the votes according to the estimates published throughout the evening.

The map of the vote in favor of Emmanuel Macron during this 2nd round of the presidential election

The map of the vote in favor of Marine Le Pen during this 2nd round of the presidential election

Remember that this 2022 presidential election will be followed by other elections, organized on June 12 and 19: the legislative elections, which allow the election of the 577 deputies who sit in the National Assembly. These elections are often considered a “third round”, since they determine whether the elected president has an absolute or relative majority to implement his political program.
