Citizenship plays a very important role

Citizenship plays a very important role



Ulf Kristersson rejects criticism that he is dividing the country.

Citizenship is the ultimate symbol of loyalty to Sweden, he believes.

– If you are not prepared to defend Swedish democracy and our way of life, of course you should not become a Swedish citizen either.

The Social Democrats demand that Ulf Kristersson (M) explain himself after the speech at the defense conference People and Defence. In the speech, Kristersson addressed Swedish citizenship linked to the will to defend Sweden – something that S sees as divisive.

– He is talking about people who have a Swedish passport as a travel document and who are not prepared to defend our country. What does he base it on? said S leader Magdalena Andersson to Aftonbladet.

Morgan Johansson, the party’s foreign policy spokesperson, is also critical.

– He is targeting the Swedes with an immigrant background who have applied for citizenship and have been granted it. He sows mistrust about their will to defend, he has no evidence whatsoever for that, he said SVT’s Aktuell.


full screen Prime Minister Ulf Kristersson. Photo: Andreas Bardell

Citizenship is not a formality

Aftonbladet has sought Ulf Kristersson for an interview, but he is not available. However, the Prime Minister answers written questions about the statement. He says that his point was to highlight that with Swedish citizenship also comes far-reaching obligations – among other things, to defend our country and our values.

– This applies to everyone, regardless of whether you were born here or moved here. Now we are in a very serious security situation, and I am not sure that everyone has thought through the implications of this. Becoming a Swedish citizen should not be a formality, but a result of really wanting to be covered by all rights and all obligations, says Kristersson.

How do you deal with the criticism that you are pitting group against group and dividing the country?

– It is exactly the opposite. I want more social cohesion in Sweden, that everyone should be able to rally behind our liberal democracy and tolerant values.

– The war against Ukraine teaches us that it is extremely important to build a common will to defend. In this, citizenship plays a very important role, because it is the ultimate symbol of loyalty to Sweden.

Must be prepared to defend Sweden

Must one be prepared to defend Sweden, our democracy and our governance with one’s life in order to be a Swedish citizen?

– There are many ways to contribute to the defense of Sweden, but with citizenship comes not only rights but also obligations. If you are not prepared to defend Swedish democracy and our way of life, you should of course not become a Swedish citizen either.

FACTS Ulf Kristersson’s speech on citizenship and willingness to defend

Ulf Kristersson said during the defense conference People and Defense that people with Swedish citizenship are expected to be prepared to defend Sweden – with their lives as an effort.

At a subsequent press conference, the Prime Minister said as follows SVD:

– When you become a Swedish citizen, it is not a small formal matter, it is a very big thing. You form a bond of loyalty with a country which ultimately means that you should also be able to do military service and defend this country.

– You defend Sweden’s democracy, our freedom and our governance. If you don’t want that, you shouldn’t be a Swedish citizen, Kristersson continues.

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