Citizenship income in the crosshairs, changes coming?

Citizenship income in the crosshairs changes coming

(Finance) – Italy Viva calls for its abolition, the League has been pushing for a long time for a drastic restyling, Come on Italy would like to pause it at least for the summer and Giorgia Meloni thunders: the Five Stars movement is increasingly isolated in the strenuous defense of Basic income under the barrage of criticism, also rejected by Confindustria.

“When we look for young people to give them work we have a major competitor which is the citizenship income “ and reiterating his criticisms also of the politics of “bonus”, said the President of the industrialists, Carlo Bonomi at the Assolombarda assembly in Milan, aiming in fact the finger against the flag measure of the pentastellates.

A “dossier” ready to divide the majority again. “Citizenship income is the most uneducational thing there is today in this country,” he says Renzi to which the leader of the League echoes: “after three years of experiencea it seems clear to me that something is wrong “. Precisely with this in mind, the Minister of Tourism Massimo Garvaglia, exponent of the League in government, tries to solve the shortage of labor in the sector immediately with the possibility to keep 50% of the check for those who accept seasonal employment.

Meanwhile, the Minister of Labor Andrea Orlando continues to defend the subsidy: “Without citizenship income this country would have had a social disaster during the pandemic”, he said, also recognizing that “it can be improved” and indeed it is already improving, referring to the rules that provide for décalage after the second gives up a job.

Numbers of the INPS Observatory in hand, they are single the major recipients of income and citizenship pension. In April the total recipients were 1.19 million (1.09 million RdC and 103 thousand PdC), with 2.65 million people involved (2.53 million RdC and almost 118 thousand PdC) and an average amount paid to national level of 561 euros (588 euros for the RdC and 270 euros for the PdC). But among them over 522 thousand are nuclei with only one component (43.85%), compared to 90 thousand composed of at least 5 components (7.44%).
