Cirielli: “Naples is the capital of the Mediterranean”

Cirielli Naples is the capital of the Mediterranean

(Finance) – “Italy in the Western world represents a great economic but above all diplomatic power. From this perspective, Naples has always had a strong international projection, being in fact the capital of the Mediterranean which has allowed it over the years to build a leader endowed with enormous diplomatic skills. The Neapolitan diplomatic corps undoubtedly constitutes an added value for the country and for Italian diplomacy”. It has declared Edmondo Cirielli, Vice Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, during the celebration of 50th anniversary of the consular corps of Naples, which took place at the headquarters oforder of chartered accountants and accounting experts of Naples, chaired by Eraldo Turi.
The Consular Corps of Naples, led by general secretary Mariano Bruno, was founded in 1974 with 25 Consuls, now 70, celebrates the important anniversary with a cycle of meetings and debates scheduled until November 2024. It is an important intermediate body because with its activity it has always facilitated relations between governments and the countries and cooperation between them both in economic and cultural terms, acting as a link between Consulates and Institutions. “It is a fundamental role, often not adequately perceived – he explains Bruno – but very delicate because each country naturally has its own governments, conflicts, political orientations, international trade, and sovereignty. For this reason, the Consular Corps of Naples seeks to represent common interests towards the institutions without, however, entering into the merits of the relationships and sovereignty of individual states, which remains a question of international law absolutely free from any influence”.

The Consular Corps of Naples has had an important evolution in terms of presence: Naples is in fact the second place in Italy, after Milan, in terms of number of consulates. “The capital of Campania – continues Bruno – is by election and logistics an inclusive multicultural city in which many ethnic groups and communities are represented, with the Consuls called to defend the interests and prerogatives of their communities”.

During the meeting, among other things, theimpact of political instability and current international conflicts on Europe and Africa. Among the next scheduled activities of the Consular Corps there are an important editorial initiative and an international cuisine project in which 32 countries have already joined.

“The Consular Corps of Naples is a defense of peace and legality – he underlined Turi – as are the embassies and all Italian diplomacy. A delicate role especially in these times of war conflicts which have heavy repercussions on the economy of all countries. The Neapolitan city can play a significant role in promoting policies of pacification and justice so that fertile ground is created to restart the economy in international markets and to allow companies in our region to return even stronger and more competitive”.

“We have extraordinary diplomatic representation in our region and – he said Vincenzo Moretta, president of the Odcec Foundation of Naples – celebrating this anniversary in the offices of the accountants has a particular meaning from an economic point of view because the role of the consuls is not only to assist the citizens of other countries in the thousand difficulties but also to undertake initiatives that can develop commercial and entrepreneurial relationships for encourage the internationalization process of our companies”.

Present at the event, moderated by Rai journalist Massimo Calenda, were, among others, the Ambassadors to Italy of Poland Anna Maria Anders and of Romania Gabriela Dancau, the prefect of Naples Michele di Bari, the President of the Court of Appeal Eugenio Forgillo, the Interregional Commander of the Guardia di Finanza General Vito Augelli, the President of the Juvenile Court Paola Brunese, the President of the Port Authority Andrea Annunziata, the President Emeritus of the Court of Auditors Marchese Arturo Martucci, the Vice President of the Naples Chamber of Commerce Fabrizio Luongo, the Vice President of the Industrial Union of Naples Carlo Palmieri, the Deputy Commander of the Campania Carabinieri Claudio Mazzarese Fardella Mungivera, the Navy Team Admiral Salvatore Vitiello and numerous Consuls and civil and military authorities.
