CIR, in 2024 profits are growing but dividends will not be distributed

CIR in 2024 profits are growing but dividends will not

(Finance) – In 2024 the CIR group recorded a clear result of 132.2 million euros and a free cash flow of 387.2 millionbefore the distribution of dividends and the purchase of proper actions. THE revenues consolidated they amounted to 1.8 billion euros, increased by 1.6% compared to 2023. The gross operating margin (Ebitda) consolidated of 2024 was amounting to 272.1 million (equal to 14.9% of revenues), an increase of 14%. “The increase in ABITDA is mainly attributable to the improvement of both Kos and Sognefi profitability,” explained the group in a note.

The operating result (Ebit) consolidated was 100 million, compared to 66.6 million in 2023, following the evolution of the Abitda. The net result was 56.7 million and 39 million net of the third party share (compared to € 2.6 million in 2023).

The Board of Directors has decided to propose the shareholders’ meeting not to distribute dividends“believing that in current market conditions the continuation in the policy of regulating proper shares followed in recent years constitutes a method of distribution towards the most effective shareholders”, explains the company.

The Board of Directors approved the start, as of 17 March 2025, of a Program of purchase of their own shares up to a maximum of n. 57.6 million CIR shares (about 6.3% of the share capital), for a disbursement of up to a maximum of 35 million euros, with the aim of carrying out support activities of the liquidity of the market, optimize the structure of the capital and remunerate the shareholders, all within the limits established by current legislation.

“Visibility ontrend of activities In the coming months, the group is reduced, due to the uncertainties related to macroeconomic evolution, to the evolution of geo-political tensions, to the introduction of duties by the new American administration and the consequent volatility of the financial markets “, said the CIR group regarding future prospects.
