Ciotti’s first role, the consummate divorce at Reconquête – L’Express

Ciottis first role the consummate divorce at Reconquete – LExpress

9:02 p.m., Sunday June 9. France falls into a dizzying unknown, after the presidential announcement of the dissolution of the National Assembly. Since then, each day has had its share of surprises. This Thursday, June 13, Prime Minister Gabriel Attal took advantage of a campaign trip to Pas-de-Calais to deal a few blows to his adversaries: “the extremes” who have been rallying since Sunday evening, including the “excluded” president. of the Republicans, Eric Ciotti, who played the leading role in a short video published on his X account.

Trip of the day: Gabriel Attal beats the campaign in Pas-de-Calais

This Thursday, Gabriel Attal got back in the saddle. The Prime Minister went to Boulogne-sur-Mer, in Pas-de-Calais, to campaign and support the two outgoing Renaissance deputies: Jean-Pierre Pont and the former and short-lived Minister of Health, Brigitte Bourguignon. As of Tuesday evening on TF1, the majority leader announced the color: “It is I who will lead this campaign.”

READ ALSO: Political crisis in France: the misdiagnosis of elites and leaders

Which probably doesn’t displease him. Shake hands, collect grievances, smile, greet… Since his arrival at the Ministry of National Education, Gabriel Attal has made “the field” his trademark. And if in passing, he can tackle in front of the cameras La France insoumise, “this community party” in his verb, why deprive himself of it?

Video of the day: Eric Ciotti tries to keep the leading role

We have known about the Netflixization of political life that has been underway for several years. It certainly reached its peak this Thursday morning. In a short video, Eric Ciotti plays his first role. Skull, almighty leader, he sits on his “throne”. The scene, dramatized at a stratospheric level by epic TV series music, is filmed at 238 rue de rue de Vaugirard, in the office of the president of the Republicans.

No words escape. However, we could almost hear the “president excluded from the Republicans”, according to the formula of our colleagues from France 2, shouting: “Who is the boss?” Eric Ciotti shows it off without any finesse: he has no intention of leaving the post to which LR activists installed him at the end of 2022. The outgoing deputy from Nice even made it known in the morning that he had seized the justice to cancel all the decisions taken by the party’s political bureau which met on Wednesday.

READ ALSO: Ciotti and LR: story of an exfiltration with the air of a telenovela

Midday strikes. The first round of early legislative elections takes place in seventeen days. No time to waste. The new pariah of the French right runs to join Jordan Bardella for a one-on-one lunch. The two men have not left each other since Monday. The now “star of the RN” was seen a few meters from the entrance to the questure at the start of the week, where Eric Ciotti no longer receives many people. “Traitor” among the Republicans, he shows “courage” for the National Rally. This Friday morning, the Paris judicial court will examine his appeal filed against his exclusion from the Republicans. The end of the series?

Negotiations of the day: the new “Popular Front” in search of an agreement

Still no white smoke on the left: negotiations between socialists, ecologists, communists and rebels – who aim to come together under the banner of the new “Popular Front” during the legislative elections, continued this Thursday evening on the distribution of constituencies. Several programmatic points are also still under discussion. Optimistic, Jean-Luc Mélenchon, who is standing back from the negotiations, greeted at the beginning of the afternoon on the “good work” of the teams, congratulating themselves that the left “is rising to the moment”.

Today’s investitures: Stéphane Séjourné launches into Hauts-de-Seine

Left and right, it’s still stuck. In Macronie, the breakdown of constituencies seems to be self-evident. The government coalition unveiled in the middle of the afternoon the list of candidates who will leave under the banner “Together!”. With a few first-time notable candidates in the legislative elections.

READ ALSO: “He doesn’t care about his majority”: among Macronist deputies, shock and frustration

The head of diplomacy, and former MEP Stéphane Séjourné, for example, was invested in the ninth constituency of Hauts-de-Seine. But it is in Val-de-Marne that an interesting battle could be played out. Placed in the third constituency, Renaissance spokesperson Loïc Signor should face rebellious outgoing deputy Louis Boyard. Guaranteed highlights.

Today’s poll

The warning is severe. According to an Elabe barometer for The echoes published this Thursday, only 24% of French people say they “trust” Emmanuel Macron, a drop of 5 points. This is his lowest level since the start of his second term in 2022.

The annoyance of the day: divorce consummated at Reconquête

His exclusion from Reconquest? “She imposes herself on me,” says a resigned Marion Maréchal this morning on TF1. “Sad”, the now MEP sees this sanction as “an injustice”, she who has neither “counted her hours”, nor “her energy” in the European campaign. She who expected neither “constituency”, nor “ministerial portfolios” at the end of the legislative elections. And to insist that his call to support the frontist candidates was only a response to Eric Zemmour’s desire to “present as many candidates as possible against the RN-Ciotti coalition”.

READ ALSO: “What a circus!” : between Maréchal, Zemmour and Bardella, 48 hours of alliances and backpedaling

Accusations brushed aside by the president of Reconquête who accused his former head of the list of “treason” on BFM TV on Wednesday evening. And even more, “to be surrounded by professionals in betrayal”. Just that. Later in the evening, Eric Zemmour takes up his pen. Breaks out with a murderously worded press release in which he accuses Marion Maréchal of having lied “in front of all the cameras in a stunning press conference”. This, with the sole aim, according to him, of making him bear responsibility for the failure of the union of the rights. If some still doubt it, “the bridges are indeed broken”.
