Cindy Ngamba, Cameroonian boxer and flag bearer of the Refugee Olympic Team

Cindy Ngamba Cameroonian boxer and flag bearer of the Refugee

It’s D-Day for the opening ceremony of the Paris Olympics. Among the delegations present in France is the Refugee Olympic Team, made up of 37 athletes from 15 different nationalities. Cameroonian boxer Cindy Ngamba will carry the flag, accompanied by Syrian taekwondo specialist Yahia Al Ghotany.

2 min

Don’t be fooled by her contagious smile. Cindy Ngamba is as sunny in life as she is extremely dangerous in a boxing ring. At 25, the boxer who now lives in England, is living a waking dream. She who had a difficult childhood before asserting herself in the ring.

This participation in the Paris Games is a consecration for the young woman: “ Sports have helped me in many ways. It has given me the power to express myself and be proud of myself. ” she assures the microphone of Sophiane Amazian from the RFI sports department.

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The power to take full responsibility for oneself is what Cindy Ngamba, born in Douala, found as a teenager in England. Supported by her big brother, the boxer first tried her hand at football before putting on the gloves. Since then, the national titles have followed one after the other and qualifying for the Games was a formality: “ I started second for the qualification in Italy. I won my last fight. »


Homosexual, the Cameroonian boxer could not return to her country under penalty of being imprisoned. She obtained her refugee status in 2021. Her life has changed since then but Cindy Ngamba does not forget that her fights go well beyond sport: “ It is an honour to represent refugees at Olympic Games. I hope that all refugees, not just athletes, can see us and show them that it can be them one day. »

Cindy Ngamba will proudly carry the flag of the Refugee Olympic Team, before removing her ceremonial outfit and giving her all to go and collect the very first medal for this delegation.

To consultToday’s Olympic Games Events Schedule
