Cinderella has been to the ball in Nacka – and lost her shoe

The Stockholm couple was out looking for mushrooms in the forest – but instead found a two-metre high heeled shoe. Now they search with candles and lanterns for Cinderella.
– I think many hours have gone into building that shoe, says Stefan Holm in Efter fem.

Stefan and Mervi Holm were out walking in the forest in Nacka outside Stockholm, near their home, when they suddenly discovered a two meter high and roughly three meter long heeled shoe. Mervi had gone ahead in the forest to look for mushrooms while Stefan remained in the garage.

– Then she came back and said: “Oh my God, it’s a great shoe!”, says Stefan.

– It looked like a slide from afar, but then we saw that it was a real shoe, and it is incredibly well made – nothing that you do in a hurry. I think many hours have gone into building that shoe, he continues.

The couple contacted the municipality, which has now put a note on the shoe, urging the owner of the shoe to move it.

Can become roundabout art

– For our part, it is welcome to remain, but the municipality says there is a risk that deer could get stuck in it and die. If no one claims it, maybe they’ll put it up in one of all the roundabouts being built in Nacka, so we’ll see. But it is magnificent, says Stefan.

Even though Stefan doesn’t have a big mysterious shoe in the forest, he is curious about who is behind the artwork.

– It’s great, but it would be fun to know who made it and what the purpose is, he says.
