Chronic kidney failure: causes, symptoms and treatments

Chronic kidney failure causes symptoms and treatments

Chronic renal failure is a pathology during which the kidney gradually loses its filtering capacity. What are the causes of this pathology? What are the first symptoms? How to take care of it?

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The kidney performs several essential functions: filtering and regulating composition of blood and secrete hormone. When a person is afflicted withchronic renal failure, this means that his kidney is no longer able to assume them fully, irreversibly. About 2 million French people are affected by this pathology.

What are the causes of chronic kidney failure?

This pathology is often secondary to another, that is to say, it is the consequence or the complication of another disease such as diabetes,high blood pressure or an autoimmune disease (lupus, rheumatoid arthritis, Crohn’s disease, rheumatoid purpura). Certain factors favor the occurrence of renal failure chronicle: the overweight and moreover theobesitysmoking, excess cholesterol.

What are the symptoms of chronic kidney failure?

The disease is silent for many years. When symptoms appear, the kidney failure is already well advanced. Regular medical follow-up is the only way to diagnose the pathology at an early stage.

In case of renal insufficiency, the blood is no longer properly filtered and waste of metabolism (Uric acidurea, creatinine) accumulate there. The consequences are nausea, vomiting, loss of appetite. Water accumulates in the tissues causing swelling or oedema.

In addition, the kidney is also the site of production of a hormone, theerythropoietinresponsible for stimulation production of Red cells by the bone marrow. In case of insufficiency, it is lacking and a anemia sets in, causing shortness of breath and fatigue in the patient.

What are the treatments for chronic kidney disease?

At first, it is a question of identifying the underlying disease in order to take charge of it, if this is not already the case.

Lifestyle and dietary advice is given to the patient to lighten the work of the kidneys. A diet low in proteins and without alcohol is recommended, even low in salt in case of hypertension and low in materials fat in case of overweight. The patient is accompanied to smoking cessation if he is a smoker. A physical activity suitable is recommended.

The treatments depend on the level of advancement of the disease. Medications may be prescribed to reduce the volume urine or reduce the production of uric acid. When the kidney falls below 15% of its usual capacity, the dialysis becomes essential while waiting of a transplant, which remains the treatment of choice for end-stage chronic renal failure. The kidney can be donated by a deceased person or by a living member of the patient’s family. Even if a transplant is accompanied by lifelong immunosuppressive therapyit greatly increases the quality of life of patients.

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