Chrome gets so much better with machine learning

Chrome gets so much better with machine learning

The leader of the list of the most used internet browsers in the world chrome, become much better with advanced machine learning is coming.

Google Chromeis constantly being developed and strengthened with new technologies. In this context, the internet giant stated that they continue to work, using machine learning in new versions. will start blocking unwanted notification requests. Here, machine learning directly will be tasked with learning the preferences of users. In other words, if you regularly turn off notification requests of websites, the system will learn about this and automatically block the request. Here “Notification blocked because you always turn it offThere will be a notification like ” Googlewill run the machine learning infrastructure in new versions directly in the browser. Accordingly, no data will be sent to Google’s servers in the process, thus a more secure structure will be established.

Stating that they use this built-in machine learning system to detect harmful sites and protect you from these sites, Google will make Chrome more effective, adaptable to different conditions and faster.

AtlasVPN’s according to the latest data Chrome right now mobile and desktop It serves more than 3 billion users in total. In second place is Apple, the built-in internet browser of iPhones, iPads and Macs. Safari is located.


Microsoft signed Safari, which surpassed the 1 billion threshold for the first time edge, signed by Mozilla firefox, Built-in browser on Samsung devices Samsung Internet and Opera is watching.
