Fifty local singers, fashionably dressed up in Victorian-era clothing, delighted hundreds of Sarnia residents on Dec. 19 by belting out much-beloved Christmas songs as part of the third annual Christmas Ribbon initiative.
Each year for the past three, performers from Carrie Beauchamp’s Nightingale Chorus have traveled to seniors’ homes, long-term care facilities and other public spaces to sing uplifting holiday songs.

This year the group traveled to seven locations and performed a medley of songs from past Nightingale shows, including Jingle Bells, Deck the Hall, Winter Wonderland and We Need a Little Christmas.
Though the weather was somewhat snippy, both the performers and audiences had a wonderful time, Beauchamp said.
The third iteration of the Christmas Ribbon almost didn’t happen, but the Nightingale Chorus insisted on spreading holiday cheer, she added.
“We were not going to continue this year since it is such a big commitment to all those who were in the live show, but so many people reached out so we decided to do another year.
“The most rewarding part is seeing the smiles on the faces of the people who may not have been able to come to our live production,” Beauchamp added. “And to be able to wrap our community in a little bit of Nightingale Christmas cheer.”