Christmas books: the best stories to read to children

Christmas books the best stories to read to children

The end of year celebrations are a time full of magic and magic. To make children wait, nothing better than to read them books about Christmas!

Kids love Christmas, and not just for the gifts. This is also the time for them to have fun decorating the tree, to write their letter to Santa Claus, to open their Advent calendar every day, but also to have a good time with their family. To make them wait, nothing better than a privileged moment with them by reading them Christmas books. Why ? First of all, because reading is an activity of choice to weld the parent-child bond, to stimulate their creativity and their imagination. Then, by discovering all these beautiful stories about the end of year celebrations, the children have many magical images in their heads, which allow them to fall asleep to have magnificent dreams. As for Christmas books, there are classic characters from children’s literature, such as T’choupi, Little Brown Bear, or even the Wolf, who live incredible adventures and have educational value: how to react to gifts, learn to wait before Christmas, and even talk about the existence of Santa Claus. It is also an opportunity to discover new enchanting stories and new characters, always immersed in this warm atmosphere. Sometimes, with Advent calendar books, it allows you to count the days before Christmas while getting to know new tales. Find our selection of Christmas books!
