Christmas bonus: payment by Pôle Emploi this Wednesday, will you have it?

Christmas bonus payment by Pole Emploi this Wednesday will you

The Christmas bonus will be paid by Pôle Emploi from this Wednesday, December 14th. CAF and MSA will proceed with the payment the next day. Some beneficiaries will receive aid directly into their account, but not everyone. Who benefits from the Christmas bonus? When is it displayed on the CAF account? Here is all the information you need to know.

The Christmas bonus will be paid in a few days, and even faster than you think. In effect, Pôle Emploi recently indicated on its website that the payment of the Christmas bonus will start from this Wednesday, December 14 for those who benefit from the aid by Pôle Emploi. Depending on the situation of each recipient, the Christmas bonus is paid by different organisations, either by the CAF (Caisse d’Allocations Familiales), the MSA (Mutualité Sociale Agricole) or by Pôle Emploi. Usually, the CAF and the MSA take care of disbursing the aid first, but this year seems to be an exception. Those eligible for the Christmas bonus paid by CAF or MSA will have to wait one more day to receive it, i.e. Thursday, December 15, 2022. Other beneficiaries, who have been CAF recipients only since December 2022, will even have to wait until January 2023 to receive it. To note that even if the renewal of the Christmas bonus has not yet been recorded by a government decree as is the case every year, the conditions for granting aid should remain the same. To see more clearly, here are the exact conditions to be met to be entitled to the Christmas bonus.

How to get the Christmas bonus from Pôle Emploi?

If your right to one of the allowances below is in progress for the month of November or December 2022, you will be able to receive the Christmas bonus from Pôle Emploi:

  • The specific solidarity allowance (ASS)
  • The specific training solidarity allowance (ASS-F)
  • Pension equivalent allowance (EAR)
  • Public internship compensation (RPS)
  • Remuneration for Pôle Emploi training (RFPE)
  • Assistance in setting up and taking over a business (ACRE-ASS)

Who is entitled to the CAF Christmas bonus?

The Christmas bonus is paid by CAF to RSA beneficiaries. Your right to this allowance must be in progress for the month of November or December 2022. If you are a new beneficiary, the Christmas bonus will then be paid to you in January 2023. ASS beneficiaries also receive the Christmas bonus from CAF.

When will the Christmas bonus be displayed on the CAF account?

As every year, the payment of the Christmas bonus begins from December 15. Beneficiaries who receive it through the CAF are generally notified at the beginning of the month of the payment of the aid. CAF displays it in the section “My payments and my rights”. Note that in a specific case, the payment of the Christmas bonus will be postponed. If in December 2022, you receive the RSA from the CAF for the first time, you will only receive the Christmas bonus in January 2023the time for the organization to check your situation.

In addition, the payment deadlines can take several days depending on your bank but also depending on the treatment of the CAF, Pôle Emploi or the MSA which grants the aid. Some people should therefore expect to see the Christmas bonus payment appear in their bank account between 18 and 20 December 2022.

Who receives the Christmas bonus from the MSA?

The MSA pays the Christmas bonus to people who receive the RSAin November or December 2022. The amount of aid depends on the number of members in the household.

Are pensioners entitled to the Christmas bonus?

Retirees, even in a precarious situation, are not eligible for the Christmas bonus. Only people who receive the equivalent pension allowance (AER) are entitled to the Christmas bonus. The latter are in a specific situation, they are job seekers because they have not yet reached the legal retirement age, but they have already justified the quarters required to receive their retirement. The AER aid compensates for this.

What are the steps to benefit from the Christmas bonus?

To request or obtain the Christmas bonus, it’s simple, no steps are required. If you are eligible and you receive the RSA, the Christmas bonus is automatically paid by the CAF or the MSA depending on your situation. Do you receive the ASS, the AER or the flat-rate premium for resumption of activity? It will then be Pôle Emploi who will take care of the payment, usually within 15 days before Christmas. In all cases, the payment of the Christmas bonus is made automatically to the bank accounts of the persons concerned. A word of advice: if you are a beneficiary of the Rsa in November or December 2022, make sure that the information communicated to your CAF is up to date to avoid any error or delay in payment.

To find out if you are eligible for the Christmas bonus, simply make a simulation on the site ! After answering the questions, you will know your rights and the aid you can claim.

Up to what age can you receive the Christmas bonus?

There is no fixed age limit to start receiving the Christmas bonus, nor to stop receiving it. On the other hand, it is not compatible with the minimum old age, which means that retirees are excluded. People close to retirement, receiving the AER or the PTS (transitional solidarity bonus), can receive the Christmas bonus while waiting for the legal retirement age. Once this age has been reached and your situation has been readjusted (then switched to a retirement pension), you will no longer be able to claim the Christmas bonus.

What is the amount of the Christmas bonus in 2022?

The amount of the Christmas bonus has remained unchanged in recent years. However, not all recipients will receive the same amount. An unemployed beneficiary, in particular at the end of his rights, will be entitled to the fixed amount of €152.45, paid by Pôle emploi. On the other hand, if you are eligible for the Christmas bonus paid by CAF, you can, depending on the composition of your family – and subject to receiving the RSA beforehand -, receive up to 442.10 euros.

Family status (RSA)If you live aloneIf you live as a couple


1 child€228.67€274.41
2 children€274.41€320.14
3 children€335.39€381.12
4 children€396.37€442.10
Per additional child€60.98€60.98

In Mayotte, the amount of the Christmas bonus is significantly lower. In this overseas department, the aid is set at 76.22 euros. For RSA beneficiaries in a 2-person household, the amount is 114.34 euros; for 3 people at 137.20 euros and for 4 people at 160.06 euros.

Are the Christmas bonus and the activity bonus cumulative?

A single scenario allows the two bonuses to be combined. If in November or December 2022 you receive the activity bonus, you must imperatively respect this condition: receive the base RSA (regardless of the amount) + the activity bonus without ever exceeding the amount of the basic RSA which corresponds to the composition of your family.

Is there a revaluation of the Christmas bonus in 2022?

If the RSA has benefited from a revaluation of 4%, in view of the purchasing power law voted last August, the Christmas bonus will not be indexed to inflation.. Indeed, according to information on the site thank you for the information, the office of Minister of Solidarity Jean-Christophe Combe has confirmed that the aid, paid to more than 2 million French people, will not be revalued, despite a record inflation rate last October. With the approach of the end of year celebrations, the most precarious French people will thus receive a Christmas bonus based on the initial amount of 152.45 euros, then adapted to the family composition of the household.

Who pays the Christmas bonus?

Different organizations pay the Christmas bonus. Depending on your professional and family situation, it will be distributed by Pôle Emploi, the CAF or the Caisse centrale de la MSA. Hence, it is also impossible to combine the Christmas bonus from CAF and that from Pôle Emploi

Is the Christmas bonus taxable?

When filing your income tax return, you don’t need to mention the Christmas bonus. Indeed, the Christmas bonus is not taken into account in the calculation of the tax, being indeed considered as a non-taxable income.
