Christmas bonus 2022: the first payment is coming, how much according to your profile?

Christmas bonus 2022 the first payment is coming how much

CHRISTMAS BONUS. Top start for the payment of the Christmas bonus 2022 this Thursday, December 15. CAF, Pôle Emploi, amount and dates… We take stock.

[Mis à jour le 13 décembre 2022 à 10h23] The premium of Christmas will be distributed from Thursday, December 15, 2022 to beneficiaries of certain social minima such as RSA, ASS or AER. It is paid automatically by the Caf, the MSA or Pôle Emploi. The amount varies depending on the composition of your household. However, it has not changed since 2009: 152.45 euros for a single person, 228.67 euros for a couple or a parent with a child, or 274.41 euros for a household of three people. Something new this year, be aware that new beneficiaries for the month of December 2022 will receive their bonus in January 2023. Here is the complete schedule:

  • Thursday, December 15, 2022 : CAF and MSA payments
  • Friday, December 16 2022 : payments from Pôle Emploi
  • During January 2023 : payments for new beneficiaries

The Fund of Family allowances pays the Christmas bonus to recipients of the RSA (active solidarity income). Unlike traditional social benefits such as activity bonus, the CAF does not carry out a study of the situation of your household (income, social benefits received, alimony, etc.). The granting of the Christmas bonus is automatic. There is therefore no point in contacting the Family Allowance Fund to hope for the payment of the premium.

Are you currently unemployed? Pôle emploi is responsible for paying the Christmas bonus to certain unemployed people. The latter must have exhausted their unemployment rights and receive the specific solidarity allowance (ASS). This therefore means that unemployed people receiving traditional unemployment benefits, also called return to work allowance (ARE), are not eligible. As a reminder, thespecific solidarity allowance concerns unemployed people at the end of their rights whose resources do not exceed a ceiling.

The Christmas bonus concerns beneficiaries of certain social minima from the Family Allowance Fund and Pôle Emploi. These two organizations do not conduct an income test to determine if you are eligible. Consequently, there is no actual income ceiling for receiving the Christmas bonus. In total, 2.3 million households will pocket the Christmas bonus this winter. 2 million people in December 2022and the rest, corresponding to the new beneficiaries, in January 2023. Here are the social benefits you must receive to benefit from it:

  • RSA: the active solidarity income is reserved for the most precarious people, aged over 25, who receive very few resources. Its fixed amount for a single person is 565 euros, if the recipient does not receivehousing allowances APL type.
  • SSA: the specific solidarity allowance concerns unemployed people at the end of their rights whose resources do not exceed a ceiling. It is also necessary to have exercised a professional activity for five years during the 10 years preceding the end of the last employment contract.
  • Lump-sum bonus for resumption of activity
  • EAR: this social benefit has not been granted since 1 January 2011! The pension equivalent allowance was intended for job seekers who have not yet reached the legal retirement age, but who have acquired enough quarters for a full pension.

This year, the payment of the Christmas bonus will begin on Thursday, December 15.

There may be a delay of three to five days, from one bank to another: you are therefore likely to see the payment of the Christmas bonus on your account between December 18 and 20. SIf the payment is made a few days before the holidays, it sometimes happens that the payment is not made until the month of January 2023. This concerns new recipients, for the month of December. The transfer is automatique.Also, you are never safe from a delay on the part of your payment organization. But in reality, the few days of beat correspond to the processing time practiced by your bank. So, no worries if the transfer does not arrive immediately on your bank account

Be careful, the CIF specifies this year on its website that “if you have been the beneficiary of one of these aids (Rsa, Ass or Aer) since December 2022, the payment of the Christmas bonus will take place from January 2023)”. In other words, if you are one of the new beneficiaries, you will have to wait another month to receive the bonus.

Since 2009, the amounts of the Christmas bonus have remained unchanged. They depend on your social situation and, possibly, on your family situation. Clearly, the amount of the Christmas bonus does not depend on your income. Do you benefit from the Pôle emploi Christmas bonus, being unemployed at the end of your rights? In this case, Pôle emploi pays a fixed amount, regardless of the family situation. He wakes up at €152.45. If you benefit from the CAF Christmas bonus (because you are on the RSA for example), in this case, the amount depends on your family situation. It is between €152.45 for a single person and €442.10 for a couple with four children (to which are added €60.98 per additional person). Here is the list of the amounts of the Christmas bonus according to your family situation:

  • €152.45 : single person
  • €228.67 : single person with 1 child or person in a couple without children
  • €274.41 : single person with 2 children or person in a couple with 1 child
  • €320.14 : person in couple with 2 children
  • €335.39 : single person with 3 children
  • €381.12 : person in couple with 3 children
  • €396.37 : single person with 4 children
  • €442.10 : person in couple with 4 children

Do you want to know or check the amount that should be allocated to you on December 15th? Nothing’s easier, allows you to know your rights, and in particular to know if you are entitled to one of the aids giving right to the Christmas bonus such as the RSA.
