Christmas and Covid: what rules for the holidays?

Christmas and Covid what rules for the holidays

Prevention advice, mask, booster dose, self-test… The COVARS, the body which replaced the Scientific Council, issued recommendations “in anticipation of the next end-of-year celebrations, a source of significant intergenerational mixing in closed places” like at Christmas.

[Mis à jour le 19 décembre 2022 à 17h44] The Christmas vacation began in a context of strong epidemic circulation, with the accumulation of three epidemics: flu, Covid-19, and bronchiolitis. To limit in particular the consequences of the 9th wave of Covid which is sweeping over France at the end of 2022, “common sense” advice continues for the end-of-year celebrations, even if there is no longer a gauge of guests or obligation concerning vaccine or mask. The Committee for Monitoring and Anticipation of Health Risks (COVARS, a body that replaced the Scientific Council has issued recommendations on December 16, 2022in anticipation of the next end-of-year celebrations, a source of significant intergenerational mixing in closed places“. Prevention advice, mask, booster dose, self-test… Update on the latest recommendations.

What prevention advice to spend peaceful holidays?

To avoid being a carrier of a virus and infecting loved ones, especially the most vulnerable people, during family reunions and end-of-year celebrations, you must:

► Make sure that vulnerable people have received their booster dose (and, depending on the case, vaccination against influenza: the two injections can be performed on the same day or without delay if they are not given on the same day)

► Reinforce barrier gestures including the wearing of a mask/hygiene and hand washing triptych, in particular when going to the table/ventilation of enclosed spaces

► Ventilate the rooms regularly, keeping a window or door open at least 10 minutes per hour or permanently if possible during the event.

► Pay particular attention to the elderly, frail or unvaccinated

► “Limit the number of guests and avoid kisses and hugs“, advise thePays de la Loire Regional Health Agency in a press release dated December 19, 2022.

► Do not share glasses

► If symptoms appear, it is advisable to first consult your doctor, a home or a health center.

► If you are positive for Covid-19 or contact case, if you have symptoms of Covid-19 or flu, even vaccinated, you have to stay at home.

Should I wear a mask during the holiday season?

Like François Braun, Minister of Health, COVARS wants to encourage the French to wear the mask in closed places as much as possible. So the Wearing a mask is not compulsory but recommended, especially when the distance cannot be respected. Wearing it is one of the barrier gestures. “In addition, wearing a mask is necessary in the event of respiratory symptoms, in particular with vulnerable people and in public places.“, recommends the Covars. “Earnings” of a widespread wearing in such places “would relate to the three ongoing epidemics” (Covid, flu, bronchiolitis).

Should I take a test before the holidays?

In order to protect the most vulnerable during the holiday period, and in addition to messages on vaccination, reinforced communication promoting the use of COVID self-tests (on sale in pharmacies) could reinforce the level of appropriation of risk management by the French. This approach had already been used and understood by families in 2020 and 2021“, specifies the Covars in its document. In other words, being tested is not compulsory to meet for the end of the year celebrations but strongly recommended if you don’t want to take the risk. By PCR test, antigen test or self-test, the French are invited to be tested on the day of the event or the day before.

In the event of a positive self-test, a confirmation test must be quickly carried out by RT-PCR or antigen test. and warn people with whom we have been in contact in the previous days, so that they test themselves and isolate themselves while awaiting the result, recalls the ARS of Pays de la Loire.

In the event of a negative result with a self-test, you must remain cautious, because the reliability of this type of test is lower. It is therefore always possible that one is a carrier of the virus and that one transmits it. This is why it is imperative to continue to respect the barrier measures.

After the holidays, you can perform a self-test to make sure that we have not been contaminated by the Covid during the holidays. If symptoms appear, get tested (RT-PCR or antigen test) immediately. In the event of a positive test, you must immediately notify the people with whom you have been in contact during the parties so that they can isolate themselves and be tested.

Sources: Opinion of December 16, 2022 from COVARS / Ministry of Health / ARS Pays de la Loire
