Christmas 2022: gifts, decor, meals… our great ideas for a successful Christmas!

Christmas 2022 gifts decor meals our great ideas for a

In just over two weeks, it will be Christmas! The race for the preparations is therefore on. If you lack inspiration, discover our gift ideas as well as our culinary and decoration tips to organize a Merry Christmas surrounded by your loved ones.

December is a month full of entertainment and especially parties. If there is one that delights the greatest number, it is Christmas. For families, it’s an opportunity to get together to share a good meal and also treat themselves to little attentions. And even for those who do not celebrate it as a family. In the eyes of the youngest and the oldest too, the magic of Christmas operates by admiring the festive decoration, the Christmas tree, the delicious dishes that are being prepared, not to mention the beautiful outfits or the most kitsch and the entertainment in the cities. Here’s a complete rundown of everything that lends itself to Christmas. How to find information in a few clicks!

What is Christmas Day in 2022?

This year the New Year’s Eve on December 24 falls on a Saturday and the Christmas Day, Sunday, December 25, 2022. This day is also an opportunity to think of others, of poor people who are not lucky enough to be surrounded by their loved ones at Christmas.

When do the Christmas holidays fall in 2022?

In the school calendar, Christmas vacation usually last two weeks. In 2022, the holiday day officially falls on Saturday December 17, until Tuesday January 3, day of recovery for students and certain employees.

What decorative trends for Christmas?

This year, decoration specialists are planning a Christmas in natural inspiration, evoking evenings at the chaletwith keys green and recycling in holiday decor. But the opposite trend also exists, with bright colors and a riot of bombastic or offbeat effects (to catch up with the last failed Christmas?). From the choice of lighting fixtures to the table decoration, discover all your decorative options!

He can be natural or artificialimposing or on the contrary discreet like three lines of masking tape on a wall: the important thing in the Christmas tree, it is the symbol ! All our advice for choosing it well, neither too early nor too late, maintaining and decorating it.

What recipes for Christmas dinner?

Christmas is synonymous with gifts exchanged but also with festive meal with family or friends. No way to burn it Christmas turkey or miss his log! With our wise advice and our easy-to-make recipes, you will be ready to receive your guests like real chefs!

What gift ideas for adults?

You do not know what christmas gift to give to your loved ones? It must be said that we often lack ideas for adults, grandparents but also for teachers and children’s Atsem. However, simple or even very useful objects can easily please an adult. There are also essential products to offer, beauty boxes or a perfume, a fashion accessory, a jewel or even the latest high-tech product in fashion. Unlike children, it is not the quantity that counts while growing up but it is the attention that is behind the gift. Find all our ideas to please your family members, your friends or even your acquaintances.

What toys to give to a child at Christmas?

Finding a toy to give to a baby, a child or a teenager at Christmas is not necessarily mission impossible. This year, the brands have once again outdone themselves, there is something for all tastes and above all all prices. Between the Christmas toys bearing the image of their favorite heroes like Marvel, Harry Potter, Star Wars, Naruto or even the Paw Patrol... You’ll be spoiled for choice. Pokémon displays will delight collectors, as will connected and interactive toys, which are always on trend. Without forgetting the board games who know how to reinvent themselves and bring the whole family together. Finally, parents seem to appreciate more and more the educational games as well as eco-friendly toys and environmentally friendly. If you are lost, here are our selection of children’s gifts by theme. And do not forget if you are in a store and you are lost between all the references, do not hesitate to ask a salesperson for advice. You can also first survey the child to whom you have to offer a gift, or in another case, to his parents.

Christmas outfit: evening in beauty or kitsch “Christmas sweater”…

Christmas is the time to put on your 31! The end-of-year celebrations make you want to dress well, put on make-up, and do your hair… or conversely, opt for the “Christmas jumper” trend to celebrate New Year’s Eve with a touch of self-mockery!

What Christmas activities and drawings to do with the children?

As the Christmas holidays approach activities to do with children do not miss. Depending on everyone’s wishes, you can decide to go outside, or stay warm at home to enjoy a good Christmas movie or a DIY session to add Christmas decorations or drawings.

In terms of creative hobbies, for coloring or learning to draw, Santa Claus and the garlands and tree balls are easy and popular subjects for children. But you can also start making DIY advent calendars, holiday greeting cards (to send to grandparents for example), even more complex crafts to create all kinds of creatures in reference to Christmas, reindeer elves passing through the christmas gnomesvery fashionable in 2022!
