Christina Rosmini, the Sun Goddess

Christina Rosmini the Sun Goddess

The Marseille singer and dancer Christina Rosmini is back with a new album entitled “INTI”, available under the label “Couleur d’orange”.

Her own compass points south. The south of her origins, Italian or Spanish, of the Corsica of her heart, of Latin America or the south of India that she loves so much. The south of the lyrical poetry of Garcia Lorca, the earthy fantasy of Brassens, the warm voice of Moustaki or the fortitude of Paco Ibanez. It must be said that the sun, Christina Rosmini knows a ray of it. And even several.

Moreover, on the cover of her new album, the sun is her, with her hair flowing above her head, as if to irrigate the world with a thousand bonfires and human warmth. “Int”Christina Rosmini’s new album is available on the label “Color of Orange”.

Reporting : Clara Gabillet went to the Festival de l’Imaginaire which is held in Paris until June 11. It is a festival of music, theater and dance which celebrates the diversity of cultures around the world.
