Christiane Taubira designated by the “popular primary”

Christiane Taubira designated by the popular primary

The former French Minister of Justice came first in this citizen consultation organized according to the principle of majority judgment, the organizers announced this Sunday, January 30. The latter aspired to bring out a single candidacy for the left and ecology for the presidential election in April.

Some 466,895 people had registered and had Thursday to Sunday 5 p.m. to give their opinions, online, on seven candidates from the left and ecology. In the end, 392,738 people took part, representing a participation rate of 84.1%, and a significant total number of voters.

These voters could give their opinion on Anna Agueb-Porterie, Pierre Larrouturou, Charlotte Marchandise, Christiane Taubira, Anne Hidalgo, Yannick Jadot and Jean-Luc Mélenchon, the last three candidates having however warned that they had no intention of respect the result of this unprecedented consultation.

Christiane Taubira obtained the mention “good +”. Yannick Jadot is in second position with the mention “pretty good +”, Jean-Luc Mélenchon completes the podium, rated “pretty good -”. Pierre Larrouturou, rated “passable +”, is fourth. And Anne Hidalgo, also rated “passable +”, comes fifth.

I will take the initiative to call the other candidates “, as well as the communist Fabien Roussel, reacted the candidate during a speech after the result, from her Parisian HQ. ” I know their reluctance, but I also know their intelligence and their sense of the general interest. This union, we build it together “, she added.

We must find a way to bring together the lefts and their sensitivities », Explains the former vice-president of the Radical Left Party (PRG), calling in « a spirit of harmony » activists, leaders and « field elected officials socialists, ecologists, rebels and communists, to come together with her.

We want a united left, we want a standing left, we have a beautiful road ahead of us, I’m proud, I measure the weight of this confidence, we don’t have the right to abandon our ideals.

Christiane Taubira, 69, was formerly elected as a separatist in Guyana, her native region, before joining the National Assembly, but also the European Parliament, and finally being a presidential candidate in 2002, then Keeper of the Seals under the presidency. Holland from 2012, for nearly four years.

She is particularly known for her fight for a law recognizing the slave trade and slavery as a crime against humanity. Then, as Minister of Justice, she carried on behalf of the majority then in place the law opening the right to marriage and adoption to same-sex couples, adopted in 2013.

She was to meet this Sunday evening the organizers of the consultation in order to sign a “gathering contract”, prior to her investiture.

There is a campaign starting today. The goal is to win the presidential election, to win ecology and social justice

Samuel Grzybowski, spokesman and political director of the “popular primary”

►To re-read: To Bordeaux, Christiane Taubira wants to rehabilitate democracy

With agencies
