Christian Bauer mocked after honest video

Christian Bauer mocked after honest video

Christian Bauer, 58, is enjoying the happy days of summer together with his wife Pernilla Wahlgren. However, Pernilla cannot take as much time off as her husband, as she works extra hard as a choir leader throughout the summer.

In an interview with Nyheter24, she told how she manages to learn all the lyrics that are in the program.

READ MORE: Christian Bauer hates Pernilla: “He’s going crazy”

– After all, I not only have to know my own lyrics, but also everyone who is on each program. Every. So during walks with our dogs I usually sing and hum the songs until I feel them start to settle down. So it will be, if nothing else, very happy dogs as they get so much exercise, she said then.

But despite the hard work, this year’s edition of Allsång på skansen has not yielded the return that was hoped for.

Pernilla Wahlgren in SVT’s Allsång at Skansen. Image source: Oscar Olsson/TT

READ MORE: Niclas Wahlgren’s nice gesture after Pernilla and Bauer’s wedding

On July 16, the Allsången was broadcast with, among others Miss Snusk and Peter Joback On the stage. The viewing figures were then at 855,000, which is the worst viewing in several decades.

Despite that, Pernilla keeps her courage up and the sing-along train pushes on.

Christian Bauer’s words about Benjamin are mocked

Someone who sat on the bench in the audience all Tuesdays is none other than Christian Bauer.

In addition to supporting Pernilla during the shows, he has also attended Benjamin Ingrosso’s concerts during his summer tour. And you can say the least that Bauer is impressed.

READ MORE: Pernilla Wahlgren’s flirtatious comment about Joachim Lennholm – and the boot to Bauer

In a new video, he compares Benjamin to both Prince and Aretha Franklin. Although Bauer’s followers think Benjamin is a great artist, there were a couple who thought he was a bit of a toe-taker.

However, Bauer stood his ground and responded quickly

“No, I don’t care, these world stars were also diamonds in the rough, but you had the feeling where they were going, that’s what I mean by vibes”.
