Chopper attack: the attacker is known to be “schizophrenic”

Chopper attack the attacker is known to be schizophrenic

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    in collaboration with

    Dr. Joachim Müllner (Psychiatrist)

    This Monday, December 12, a man injured four people in a Lidl store, in the North region, near the town of Jeumont. He was found to have a schizophrenic profile. The point with Dr. Joachim Müllner, psychiatrist and member of the committee of experts of Doctissimo.

    Four wounded. This is the number of victims of a man (Moroccan national in an irregular situation), unknown to the police and whose profile would be that of a schizophrenic person. The facts took place in the Lidl store in Jeumont, in the North of France.

    The vital prognosis of the hired aggressor

    This attacker therefore entered the store around 7 p.m. on Monday evening. Armed with a chopper and two knives, he quickly began attacking a dozen customers present in the supermarket.

    Injuring four victims, two of them seriously, but whose vital prognosis is not engaged, he then attempted to commit suicide. Several sources explain that he turned his weapons against him and tried to injure his throat and wrists. Hospitalized at the Lille University Hospital, his days are currently in danger.

    His victims, injured in the hands and head, were all taken care of in hospitals in the region.

    No specific reason

    According to the police sources involved in this case, “no element currently allows to make any hypothesis about the motivation of the aggressor” and “at no time was there a religious demonstration” on his part. They also specify that the aggressor did not “not identified“. Indeed, the man in his forties had no identity papers on him. On the other hand, drugs were found at his home.

    The opinion of Dr Jaochim Mullner, psychiatrist and member of the Doctissimo expert committee

    “Schizophrenia is a psychiatric illness related to a disorganization of the processing of information by the brain. It results in a disorganization of thought, emotions and behavior. It can also lead to delusional symptomatology which can be particularly anxiety-provoking for the patient. patient and lead to behavioral problems such as, in rare cases, heteroaggressive acting out” first defines Dr. Müllner.

    In this particular situation, however, it will be necessary to wait for the conclusions of the psychiatric expertise which will be ordered by the judge to understand what may have happened in the head of the author. However, if all too often we retain only the pretext of rare heteroaggressive acting out to talk about this disease, it is very important to know that these patients are above all much more at risk of being victims themselves. attacks than the general population, and much more likely to commit acts of self-harm than the general population, as this disease causes significant suffering” rightly recalls the specialist.

    “Suicide is indeed the first cause of death of patients suffering from this disease. Between 10 to 15% of them would die by suicide when the proportion is less than 0.02% in the general population.“adds Joachim Müllner, who fears that the “The glaring lack of resources allocated to public psychiatry and therefore to the management of psychiatric disorders can only increase the risk of seeing such violence occur”.
