Cholesterol: total, LDL, HDL, high, low, what is it?

Cholesterol total LDL HDL high low what is it

Total cholesterol (abbreviation CT) includes HDL cholesterol and LDL cholesterol. This is often the first assessment requested by the doctor. Definition, standard, high, low: what does your rate mean? What risks?

Often demonized, cholesterol is essential to the cells of our body. It is when he is in excess (compared to normal values) that it becomes problem. It’s what total cholesterol ? the HDL ? The LDL? The good cholesterol? The bad ? What are the symptoms of too high cholesterol? What to do to lower it? Know everything.

Definition: what is cholesterol?

The body produces nearly 75% of cholesterol. The rest comes from food. It is found in products of animal origin (meat, cold cuts, dairy products, offal, etc.) as well as in eggs, fish, shellfish. It is synthesized largely by the liver. Cholesterol regulation therefore depends on genetic factors and our diet.

What is LDL cholesterol or bad cholesterol?

Cholesterol is transported in the blood via proteins, the lipoproteins. Small density lipoproteins or LDL (Low Density Lipoprotein) transport cholesterol from the liver to the cells. “When cholesterol circulates in excess in the blood, that is to say in a quantity greater than our cells need, the LDLs deposit it directly in the arteries. This is also the case following an alteration of the LDL, which will then no longer be recognized by cell receptors. This alteration can be linked to tobacco, or to too high a sugar level. This is why LDL-cholesterol is commonly called ‘bad cholesterol’explains Jean-Michel Cohen.

What is HDL cholesterol or good cholesterol?

High density lipoproteins or HDL (High Density Lipoprotein) are responsible for transporting cholesterol that circulates from the arteries to the liver where it is eliminated. They rid the arteries of poor quality lipid deposits. “It’s the ‘good cholesterol’, the one that ‘cleans’ the arteries”adds the nutritionist.

What is total cholesterol?

Total cholesterol (abbreviation CT) includes HDL cholesterol and LDL cholesterol. This is often the first assessment requested by the doctor. The results should usually show a rate less than or equal to 2.00 g/l, with certain tolerances depending on the patient’s age.

Dosage: what are normal cholesterol levels?

Cholesterol circulates freely in the blood, so it can be easily measured with a simple blood test. We can first measure the dosage of total cholesterol (good cholesterol + bad cholesterol). “But CT measurement alone is often insufficient because it is imprecise, warns the nutritionist. This is why, if the assessment proves to be disturbed, the doctor will ask for a more in-depth assessment with the determination of HDL-Cholesterol and LDL-Cholesterol.

► Total cholesterol: On the analysis sheet, you must first look at the total cholesterol (TC). In France, it is generally accepted that this must be less than or equal to 2g/l (5.1 mmol/l). ).

► HDL : Similarly, it is usually considered that the concentration of HDL-Cholesterol must exceed at least 0.4g/l or 0.9 mmol/l.

► LDL : We then observe the LDL level: it must be below the fateful bar of 1.60 g/l. Beyond that, we are used to saying that we “make cholesterol”, even if the expression is inappropriate. These results should be interpreted with your doctor, depending on your associated cardiovascular risks (age, smoking, family history, diabetes, etc.).

Total cholesterolLDLHDL

Less than 2 g/L

Less than 1.6 g/L for a normal person

Less than 1.3 g/L in case of risk factors

Between 0.35 and 0.60 g/L

What is the role of cholesterol?

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Cholesterol is part of the family of lipids or fats, more commonly known as ”fats”. “Cholesterol circulates in the blood. It is found in the membranes of all our cells, where it has an important role in stability, fluidity, and more broadly in structure. In neurons, brain cells, it allows the synthesis of neurotransmitters and helps in the propagation of nerve impulses, says Dr. Jean-Michel Cohen, nutritionist. And to complete: “Finally, it is a precursor of synthesis for several important elements of our body: Hormones, also called steroids, including sex hormones, bile salts, and vitamin D.”

What are the symptoms of high cholesterol?

excess cholesterol deposits on the walls of the arteries especially those of the heart (coronary arteries), forming fatty plaques that thicken over the years (atherosclerosis). The plaques reduce the caliber of the arteries, and make the passage of blood increasingly difficult and can promote the formation of clots (thrombosis). When the blood stops flowing, the cells, deprived of oxygen, die. It is ischemic stroke which, depending on the clogged artery, causes myocardial infarction, stroke or arteritis of the lower limbs.

What are the causes of high cholesterol?

  • Genetic and hereditary factors : although hypercholesterolemia is not transmitted systematically from father to son (except for certain fairly rare family forms), there are frequently several cases within the same family;
  • Dietary factors : a diet that is too high in cholesterol and so-called saturated fats from animal fats, certain meats and fatty derivatives of milk has a direct influence on cholesterol levels. An excess of alcohol would also have a harmful effect;
  • Diseases kidney, thyroid or diabetes: some diseases can be directly responsible for high cholesterol levels.

The results should be analyzed with your doctor. On a case-by-case basis, depending on your history, your risk factors and your lifestyle, he will decide whether or not drug treatment is justified.

cholesterol-lowering diet

In all cases, if your cholesterol level is too high, you will need to follow a diet and a few hours of physical activity each week. It is indeed the basis of any management of cholesterol. It will be necessary limit the consumption of eggs, alcohol, fatty meats and cold meats, and favor lean meats and fish. “You have to increase your fiber intake, by eating bread (wholemeal, cereal) and other complete products (pasta, rice, etc.), raw or cooked fruits and vegetables (boiled or lightly cooked), and consume plant sterols such as margarine”also advises Jean-Michel Cohen. On its own, and without the help of drugsthis diet can lower your cholesterol levels by 5 to 15%.

With anti-cholesterol drugs (statins, fibrates)

If your doctor has prescribed drug treatment, this does not replace dietary treatment. You have to keep watching your diet. Without it, your medicine will not be effective. “Among these drugs, there are not only statins. One can also use, alone or in combination with statins, resins such as Questran, or fibrates such as Lipanthyl© or Lipavlon©, adds the nutritionist. Between the following first and third month, this treatment will be monitored to check that you tolerate it well and that it is effective. Once the treatment is in place, schedule an annual lipid check-up.

Thanks to Dr. Jean-Michel Cohen, nutritionist and author of the book: “I eat what… when I have cholesterol” published by J’ai Lu.
