Choice of candidates on Parcoursup: these two criteria make all the difference

Choice of candidates on Parcoursup these two criteria make all

What do schools use to select Parcoursup candidates? Answers with Arnaud Le Blanc, Director of the Guidance Department of the IGS Group.

Among all the steps to be carried out for Parcoursup, there is one in particular which has the gift of distressing many candidates: waiting for responses from training courses. And for good reason, once their file is completed for each targeted training, the students, in fact, have nothing more to do: their fate is now in the hands of the schools to which they have applied. During this time, the training courses receive all the applications and it is in principle a commission, made up of teachers, which has the difficult task of analyzing them, one by one. But then, what are the criteria that count for selecting candidates?

“Each school has its own selection criteria”, tells us Arnaud Le Blanc, Director of the Guidance Department of the IGS Group. These are mostly indicated on the training presentation sheet, which can be consulted directly on the Parcoursup platform. Students therefore have every interest, in advance, in knowing them and using them in their application file. In the STAPS sector, one of the criteria that is looked at is civic or associative commitment. Knowing this, the candidate can add their experience in an association in the “Activities and interests” section on Parcoursup.

Even if each establishment has its own way of doing things, in general, there are certain criteria that are common to many training courses. For our expert, there are two that stand out: “some schools have very academic criteria (report cards, exam ranking, etc.), and conversely, other training courses focus on soft skills (collective spirit, ability to work in a team, etc.) “, in other words the human qualities, communication skills and character of the person. On this point, “what counts is the individual themselves, because a student, for example, can have an average school career and achieve complete fulfillment in much more professional careers, where she will feel more involved,” underlines Arnaud Le Blanc.

This is why it is strongly recommended, in an application, to highlight your qualities and hobbies, especially if they are an asset for the desired school. Once these criteria are met, each training establishes a ranking of the candidates, which is then sent to the Parcoursup platform. After which, students can view the training answers.
