Chocolate maker investing $104 million in new factory

Chocolate maker investing 104 million in new factory

A Zurich-based manufacturer of chocolate and cocoa products will be the first tenant in a 1.7 million-square-foot “logistics center” in the Northwest Business Park.

The Granite Telephone City Logistics Centre, launched by Granite REIT, a Canadian-based real estate investment trust, along with its leasing partner, JLL Canada, is currently under development within the business park, located along the Hardy Road-Oak Park Road corridor.

The initial phase of the development will include a 409,000 square-foot building pre-leased to chocolate maker Barry Callebaut. It will occupy nearly a quarter of the logistics center’s total area.

The company plans to invest $104 million in its chocolate factory on Bowery Road, which will produce sugar-free, high protein and other specialty chocolate products.

The factory, the first new North American location for Barry Callebaut since 2008, is expected to be operational by 2024 and create about 200 jobs. The site will include both office space for corporate operations and a processing facility.

The Barry Callebaut Group runs more than 60 production facilities worldwide, including those in Chatham, Ont. and St. Hyacinthe, Que., and employs more than 13,000 people.

The Barry Callebaut website says a groundbreaking ceremony for the Brantford operation will be held on Sept 27.

An announcement posted on the City of Brantford website said “growing interest from both investors and tenants confirms the need for space in the market and the rising potential of the region.”

“We are thrilled to be part of the growth of the Greater Golden Horseshoe area, a driving location that is set to realize tremendous growth over the near term,” said Kevan Gorrie, president and CEO at Granite REIT. “We are proud to offer new and state-of-the-art facilities to help local, national and international companies expand into the region and positively impact the market for years to come.”

Mayor Kevin Davis said the city is pleased to welcome Barry Callebaut to the community.

“City staff worked diligently to bring this new investment to our city and will continue to assist Barry Callebaut in establishing its presence in Brantford,” said Davis. “We very much look forward to them joining our expanding list of food manufacturing facilities.”

Brantford already is home to the manufacturing plant for another leading chocolate maker, Ferrero Canada, and to the Hershey distribution center on Bowery Road.

“Brantford is home to some of the top food and beverage manufacturers in the sector, committed to product, process and technological innovation,” said Sara Munroe, the city’s director of economic development and tourism. “Barry Callebaut’s investment illustrates confidence in this city’s support for this vital sector that is so important to boosting both our local and provincial economy.”

Mitchell Blaine, executive vice president of sales and leasing for JLL Canada, said, “Brantford’s availability rate is extremely low at 0.95 per cent.”

“This means there is limited space for businesses to expand,” said Blaine. “We are committed to helping companies grow in this desirable market, accessing a strong labor pool, solidifying the Greater Golden Horseshoe area as a top destination for manufacturing and distribution.”


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