Chlorine level in the blood too high or too low: the standards

Chlorine level in the blood too high or too low

Naturally present in the blood, chlorine enters into the body’s hydration mechanisms and has a role in digestion. Some people lack it, others have too much. What does a level above or below normal mean?

Naturally present in the bloodthe chlorine enters the mechanisms ofhydration of the body and has a role in digestion. A blood chlorine test may be prescribed as part of a checkup. What are the normal values? What does a mean rate too high or too low?

Definition: what is blood chlorine?

Chlorine is a chemical element present in the body and its blood level is called the “chloremia“, generally varying between 95 and 107 mmol. It enters into mechanisms ofhydration of the body and has a role in digestion. Brought to the body through food, it is found in cooking salt, as in all foods naturally rich in sodium such as cold meats, cheeses, olives, smoked fish, anchovies and bread. Variations in chloremia are in themselves of little concern, but their cause must be sought and treated.

What is the role of chlorine?

Chlorine is found in the extracellular fluids of our body. Very often associated with sodium and potassium, it distributes water in our body and to control osmotic pressure (balance between extracellular and intracellular fluids). Involved in pH regulation, it is essential for maintaining the acid-base balance. Finally, chlorine participates in the production of gastric juices which makes it useful for digestion. “The dosage of blood chlorine is closely linked to that of sodium on which it depends” explains Dr Véronique Labbe, general practitioner in Paris.

What are normal chlorine values?

“The assay is carried out within the framework of a blood ionogram and essentially allows to measure the level of hydration of the organism” explains our interlocutor. A chlorine blood test is prescribed as part of a checkup. For men, women and children, the normal value of the chlorine level in the blood is the same. She must find herself between 100 and 110 mmol/l.

What does a chlorine level that is too low mean?

When the chlorine level is below normal values, we speak of hypochloremia. It is rarely a deficiency in intake, but often the consequence of a dysfunction, a pathology or a treatment: diarrhoea, prolonged vomiting, excessive sweating, taking diuretics, kidney failure. The first symptoms of hypochloremia are fatigue, muscle cramps, restlessness, tetany and heart rhythm disturbances.

What does a chlorine level that is too high mean?

This rate increases in very rare cases. Indeed, when the body contains too much chlorine (hyperchloremia), it is normally eliminated in the urine. When certain malfunctions cause a hyperchloremiathe first symptoms are rapid and deep breathing, muscle weakness, vomiting and destruction of the intestinal flora.

Thanks to Dr Véronique Labbe, general practitioner in Paris.
