CHL, proposed bankruptcy arrangement approved by creditors

Lindbergh purchases two company branches in Verona

(Finance) – CHLa company that operated in the Information Technology sector and suspended from trading on Euronext Milan since December 2029, announced that within the deadline established by the bankruptcy judge Cristian Soscia it expressed dissent regarding the bankruptcy composition proposal presented by Demetra Investimenti 1 creditorholder of credit rights for a total of 80,400 euros.

The creditors entitled the vote amounted to a total 1,561,358.60 euros. Creditors holding credits for a total of 1,477,958.60 euros expressed a favorable vote, expressly or by silent consent.

Consequently, since the deliberative quorum is determined at 780,679.30 euros +1 (50% + 1 of the creditors with the right to vote), the bankruptcy composition proposal was approved with a majority of 94.62%.

The delegated judge ordered the communication by the curators of the approval: to the proponent so that request approval of the agreement with appeal pursuant to art. 26 LF; to dissenting creditors, setting a deadline of 31 October for the submission of any objections and for the creditors’ committee to file a reasoned report with a definitive opinion.
