Chiocchetti (WINDTRE): “Synergies with local administrations to overcome the digital divide”

Chiocchetti WINDTRE Synergies with local administrations to overcome the digital

(Finance) – “Le Telco they are busy at the forefront of breaking down the digital divide, with 65 billion of investments in the last ten years. To continue to act in this direction, it is essential to create synergies with the central government, as well as with local administrations“. This was stated by Francesca ChiocchettiDirector of Public Affairs of WINDTREintervened on the occasion of the Forum PA 2022.

“The government has made available, with the decrees simplificationssome important tools – added the manager – but its application needs to be harmonized at a territorial level. The regulatory fragmentation, which in some cases involves the need to request an enormous amount of permits for the installation of an antenna, risks slowing down digitization in the country “.

“Another key point for strengthening the network infrastructures and the competitiveness of the territories – concluded Chiocchetti – is the adaptation of electromagnetic limits Italians at the EU average “.
