Chinese New Year 2025: the horoscope of your astrological sign

Chinese New Year 2025 the horoscope of your astrological sign

The Chinese New Year under the sign of the wooden snake is celebrated this weekend through dances and parades. Consult the predictions of the Chinese astrological horoscope of the lunar New Year, according to your sign.

The Chinese New Year occurred Wednesday, January 29, 2025 on Wednesday, 2025 and since that date, we have gone to a new animal, the wooden snake, a sign that augurs up to the upheavals. A tradition that dates back more than 4,000 years, the Chinese New Year says lunar is celebrated for a fortnight, until the day before the Lantern Festival, on February 12, by Asian communities. This weekend, parades are planned in the Chinese districts of major cities.

But by the way, what meaning is the wooden snake? Is this a good sign overall, for the year 2025 and for your astrological sign? The new lunar year will undoubtedly be rich in emotions and significant success, with changes of life for some, just as the snake changes skin. Discover all the predictions of your sign below.

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12:10 – Bordeaux is about to celebrate the Chinese New Year

The Chinese New Year is celebrated in Bordeaux this Sunday, February 2 from 2:30 p.m. on the Place de la Victoire. A show of the dance of lions and dragons will start to cross the city center via the Place Saint-Projet, the Place de la Comédie, the course of the Red Hatter, the Quai Maréchal Lyautey, to finish in style Water mirror at 4.30 p.m. All along, incredible dancers with colorful outfits will follow the rhythm of the drums.

07:10 – The Chinese New Year celebrated in Lyon this weekend

The Chinese New Year is celebrated all weekend in Lyon and great first, the Croix-Rousse joins the party this Saturday with the distribution of lucky cookies from 11 am on the Croix-Rousse market . Then go this Sunday in the 7th arrondissement, at La Guillotière, for a festive afternoon in the heart of Chinese traditions. From 2:30 p.m., make way for the Lions dance. Dancers dressed in multicolored lions will dance to chase bad spirits and spread prosperity!
