Chinese minister under investigation for corruption

Chinese minister under investigation for corruption



full screen Another high-ranking politician in China is being investigated for corruption and is being pushed from his post. Stock photography from Tiananmen Square in Beijing. Photo: Kin Cheung/AP/TT

A minister at China’s Ministry of Agriculture is being investigated for corruption, the country’s state-run media reports.

Tang Renjian is suspected of having committed serious crimes, but the Chinese media do not go into more detail about what the suspicions consist of.

61-year-old Tang’s case follows in a long line of similar cases. Under President Xi Jinping’s decade-long rule, the outspoken fight against corruption has led to scores of high-ranking figures in the party-controlled state apparatus disappearing from their posts due to alleged wrongdoing.

Xi’s supporters see it as a necessary effort against widespread corruption, while many critics and analysts see it as a purge of dissenters and political rivals.

Tang Renjian has previously been the governor of the province of Gansu in northwestern China as well as the deputy leader of the autonomous region of Guangxi in the south.
