Chinese gift to Israeli ministers sparks diplomatic incident

Chinese gift to Israeli ministers sparks diplomatic incident

On the occasion of PassoverJewish Easter, a gift from the Chinese embassy to Israeli ministers has caused discord after the security services suspected the gifts were used to spy on them

With our correspondent in Jerusalem, Michael Paul

A nice gift at the approach of Passover turns into a diplomatic incident. The embassy of China sent Israeli government ministers thermal bottles. But during the inspection of the gifts by the Israeli security services, they discovered a suspicious device in the bottom of these bottles, resembling a eavesdropping system. The gifts were therefore immediately collected and put in a safe place.

From ” rumors »

Chinese diplomats were deeply indignant at this information, calling it ” baseless rumors with serious consequences, likely to divide China and Israel, tarnish China’s image and mislead the public “.

Extremely rare, the shinbet, the israeli counterintelligence service has issued an update apparently at the request of the chinese embassy. ” LShin Bet experts who examined the suspect device concluded that it was an inert part, intended to keep the vacuum seal in the walls of the bottle and preserve heat “Said a press release.

apology letter

A letter of apology was also sent to the Chinese Embassy. Ministries in Israel, however, have been instructed not to accept gifts from foreign entities.

Read also: Between China and Israel, cooperation contracts in spades (October 25, 2018)
