China’s Ministry of Commerce talked about additional customs duty

Additional customs duty on electric car imports from GTS countries

An important but sad step was taken before the electric domestic car model Togg, an additional tax was imposed for electric cars from China.

In the past week, only electric motor driven cars additional customs duty. Specifically, with the official decision on electric cars from China in the new period, additional 40 percent tax (Total was more than 50 percent additional tax) added. It is still not directly explained behind this, but it seems to be protecting the first Togg vehicle. This step, which is thought to have been taken in order for the domestic Togg to gain a price advantage in the market and to fight the Chinese electric vehicle that is on its way to Turkey, will increase its number seriously in 2023. Chinese electrics (Especially small city vehicles.) will make it seriously expensive. The effect of this will of course not be good for consumers. The Chinese Ministry of Commerce also made a statement on this matter. HaberTürk’s foreign press according to the news China’s Ministry of Commerce Spokesperson Gao Feng said that Turkey should withdraw this decision.Recalling that China and Turkey are members of the World Trade Organization (WTO), Turkey’s stated that he must comply with the rules and commitments.


Meanwhile, last week an excise tax on the electric car side arrangement was also made. The new update entered into force after being published in the Official Gazette. According to the news in My Economy The tax base for the SCT rate for electric motor cars has been redefined. In this context, for electric motor vehicles whose engine power is below 160 kW and subject to 10 percent SCT. The tax base, which was 700 thousand liras, was increased to 1 million 250 thousand liras.. In vehicles with an engine power of more than 160 kW and subject to 50 percent SCT, The tax base, which was 750 thousand liras, was increased to 1 million 350 thousand liras.. The Presidential Decree amending the list numbered II attached to the Special Consumption Tax Law No. 4760 was published in the Official Gazette and entered into force.
