China wants to limit children’s daily phone use

China wants to limit childrens daily phone use

one of the most populated countries in the world Chineselimiting children’s phone use through an official study wants.

smartphone addiction It has become a serious problem in many countries. China, which has taken some important steps in this regard so far, wants to limit daily use directly this time. Dedicated to phones, tablets and laptops “kid mode” The country, which is considering adding this, wants to introduce legally enforceable limits on top of this. If the study, which is currently in the draft stage, becomes official, children under 8 years old in the country will be 40 minutes a daychildren aged 8-15 years an hour a daychildren between the ages of 16-17 will be able to use the phone for two hours. In addition, prohibited hours that will be valid for all ages are also on the table. A phone with child mode as far as is said Unavailable between 10pm and 6am. In addition, some content bans are on the table. The country wants only songs and audio-oriented content to be shown to children under the age of three. It is stated that education and news content can be shown to those between the ages of 12-16.


Prior to this, children and phone use UNESCO had come to the fore. The institution aims to combat classroom disruptions, improve the learning process, and help protect children from cyberbullying. recommends that smartphones be banned in all schools. UNESCO says there is evidence that excessive smartphone use is linked to reduced educational performance, and that high screen time has a negative impact on children’s emotional state. One of the senior figures of the institution who made a statement on the subject Audrey Azoulay, “Whether it is a smartphone, tablet, or laptop, excessive use of technology by students in the classroom or at home is distracting and can have a detrimental effect on learning.” said.
