China, Russia, Iran… The fears of the Swiss Intelligence Service – L’Express

China Russia Iran… The fears of the Swiss Intelligence Service

Switzerland has become considerably less secure than a few years ago, the Swiss Intelligence Service indicated this Tuesday, October 22. In question, the increased military cooperation between China, Russia, Iran and North Korea, which is “one of the most worrying strategic patterns”.

“We find ourselves in a period of dangerous and unstable transition which will lead to a reordering of power relations on a planetary scale,” underlines the Federal Intelligence Service (SRC) in its annual report.

The report makes an observation: China, Russia, Iran and North Korea are now cooperating more closely, also on a military level, “which implies a greater impact on regional wars and crises”. “Driven by a desire to reduce the influence of the United States, these countries are fighting against concepts of liberal democracy. They are seeking to modify the status quo in their respective regions and to establish their own spheres of influence,” explain the Swiss intelligence services. “Closer military collaboration between these autocracies is one of the most worrying strategic patterns currently emerging,” says the SRC.

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Chinese clandestine branches

“The political, economic, technological and military relations between these countries with revisionist intentions are closer and stronger than ever, and they are exerting simultaneous pressure on the United States and its allies on several fronts,” continues the Intelligence service in a press release.

In terms of espionage, the main threat to Switzerland currently comes from Russian intelligence services, but Chinese intelligence services also pose a high threat, according to the SRC, which emphasizes that many services have ” residences”, or clandestine branches, which are generally operated within diplomatic representations.

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Furthermore, the “most significant threat” in terms of influence activity also comes from Russia and China. “Russia’s attempts to circumvent Western sanctions through private companies in third states constitute a major challenge for Swiss control of exports of dual-use goods subject to authorization,” specifies the SRC.

The terrorist threat in Switzerland remains high and has even increased in 2024, “still marked in a decisive way by isolated individuals, inspired by jihadism”, he also indicates. And he added that in the area of ​​jihadism in particular, but also in that of violent right-wing extremism, an increase in the number of cases of radicalization of minors has been noted in Switzerland.
