China presents peace proposals

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China presented its proposal in one document on Friday, the same day that marks the anniversary of the large-scale Russian invasion. To a large extent, the points were a repetition of positions that China had already put forward.

“The sovereignty, independence and territorial integrity of all countries must be maintained,” the document says, among other things.

Declared neutral

China has declared itself neutral in the conflict, but has a close relationship with Russia. In the twelve-point program, both parties are asked to exercise restraint and return to talks as soon as possible.

“Dialogue and negotiations are the only sustainable solution to the Ukraine crisis,” according to the document.

Otherwise, China wants to see humanitarian corridors to evacuate civilians, in which the UN should participate, and that both sides avoid attacking the civilian population and civilian facilities. Nuclear facilities must be protected and nuclear weapons must not be deployed, according to the country.

“Sanctions again solution”

China also wants to see an end to sanctions against Russia.

“Unilateral sanctions and maximum pressure cannot solve the problem, they only create new problems,” it writes.

On Thursday, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyi was open to China’s interference, and would like to meet Chinese representatives.

— I think it is generally a good fact that China has started talking about Ukraine and is sending signals. “We will draw some conclusions after seeing specifically what they offer,” the president said, according to AFP.
