China may launch 13,000 satellites against the risk of “SpaceX Starlink”

China may launch 13000 satellites against the risk of SpaceX

Offering internet from space and now becoming very extensive SpaceX Starlink service is on the agenda once again with a China-focused news.

We say it here once again because SpaceX Starlink and China are not on the agenda for the first time. starlink service is constantly growing and this is worrying some countries. It is also actively used to assist Ukraine in the Russian occupation of Ukraine. starlink, creates a serious concern, especially in China. For example, in case the big country threatened their national security with the Starlink system last year. wants to develop some defense mechanisms came up with the news. The first purpose here is to shut down the Starlink network or make it unusable within China. starlink The country, which even considers detonating its satellites to shut down, has the space power to do so. In addition, all starlink China, which also aims to develop special systems to track its satellites, states that Starlink can be used for military purposes. SpaceX Starlink it looks more like a civilian system, but it receives investment from the US military and has a package for institutions. Chinese scientists warn that Starlink can increase the communication speed of warplanes and unmanned aerial vehicles by more than 100 times. China also claims that Starlink satellites can be equipped with different equipment in the future and can provide assistance to the USA’s espionage / attack activities from space.


China has another plan in this regard. doing. Researchers believe that China will provide internet service from space to users around the world and To stifle Elon Musk’s Starlink to some level, we’re planning to build a massive satellite network in low earth orbit. He says he’s planning. For this, it will go to low earth orbit in a short time exactly 1China, which is reported to want to send 3 thousand satellitesaccording to the information given ‘GW’ competitor networks (Amazon also sets up internet request from space) satellites that can spy and send Can be used to run anti-Starlink missions. Researchers say Starlink aims to put 40,000 satellites into orbit, which is too much for China’s surveillance and defense capabilities to handle. That’s why China, who wants to act early, with the satellites it will place in this low earth orbit. can break Starlink’s connections when needed And can use these satellites to monitor the whole world more comfortably and in detail.. China, which has the capacity to take 13 thousand satellites to low earth orbit on its own with many missions, is now to your space station a country that has
