China launches first autonomous drone carrier

China launches autonomous drone carrier

China has just completed the construction of a new kind of oceanographic research vessel. Able to move autonomously at sea, it will also be able to deploy drones that move on water, under water and in the air.

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What is the best way to transport dozens of drone ? Another drone, of course! Or more precisely a semi-autonomous drone carrier. According to South China Morning PostChina has just launched an 88.5 meter long vessel capable of accommodating up to 50 aircraftboats and autonomous submarines.

The ship door the name “Zhu Hai Yun”, and the construction started in July 2021 in the Huangpu Wenchong shipyard in Guangzhou. At the port level, because of the difficulty of navigating in heavy maritime traffic, the ship will be remotely controlled. Once out of danger, he will carry out his missions autonomously and will be able to reach a speed of 18 knots.

Introducing the first autonomous drone carrier ship. © South China Morning Post

An autonomous vessel with “military capabilities”

The Zhu Hai Yun is equipped to deploy the dronevessels and submarines it carries, communicate with them and control them remotely, and finally recover them once their task is completed. The ship will be able to coordinate their movementsin order to achieve three-dimensional views of specific targets “.

The drone carrier is presented as a ship of oceanographic research. According to Professor Dake Chen of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, this autonomous and intelligent vessel is a magnificent new “marine species” that will revolutionize the observation of the oceans “. However, the South China Morning Post also specifies that it incorporates military capabilities for ” intercept and expel invasive targets “. The Zhu Hai Yun must first pass a series of tests, then should be fully operational by the end of 2022.

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