China is now aiming for five percent economic growth – the prime minister emphasized openness, but canceled the press conference | Foreign countries

China is now aiming for five percent economic growth –

The Chinese People’s Congress, which started on Tuesday, will possibly also elect a new foreign minister and confirm the counter-espionage law that concerns foreigners.

BEIJING China is trying to stabilize the economic growth it achieved last year. That means a growth rate of about five percent.

That’s what the prime minister said Li Qiang opening the 2024 National Congress at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing.

The People’s Congress, which meets once a year, corresponds to the Parliament.

Among other things, the growth of the superpower is currently being slowed down by the fact that the real estate sector, which is vital to the national economy, is in a slump. It needs taxpayers’ help.

According to the Prime Minister, China is seeking further growth by investing in new technologies and artificial intelligence.

This year’s goal is to create 12 million new jobs in cities. It would ease youth unemployment, which is a growing social problem.

– Youth is an important force in the development of our country. They will play a key role in making China a strong nation of science and technology, Li said in his speech.

Conflicting communication

In the first comments in Beijing, the goals presented by the prime minister were considered ambitious, but realistic. China has progressed to a new stage in its development, where double-digit growth figures are history.

– Declarations are not yet enough to influence the market, and promises alone do not bring investments, representative of the American Chamber of Commerce Sean Stein said news agency Reuters.

Stein was probably referring to the fact that the Chinese leadership’s words and actions have not always matched recently. Even the prime minister, who spoke about the importance of openness, sent a conflicting message about the meeting, as he unexpectedly canceled his own press conference.

For the last 30 years, it has been customary in the People’s Congress for the Prime Minister to hold a press conference after his speech.

In the video, watch the analysis of our correspondent who listened to the speech on the spot:

In practice, the Communist Party decides

A people’s congress lasting about a week is organized annually. It is attended by 2,960 delegates from all over China.

According to the Constitution, the People’s Congress is the country’s highest decision-making body. In practice, however, it does not conflict with the decisions of the Chinese Communist Party.

Therefore, the People’s Congress is expected to appoint a new foreign minister for China this week, who unexpectedly disappeared from public view last summer Qin Gang’s in place of.

The strongest candidate for the position seems to be a diplomat who has risen to a high position in the Communist Party Liu Jianchao.

The People’s Congress is also scheduled to decide on China’s defense budget for this year and confirm a new one counter-espionage lawwhich takes care of foreign companies.

The law, which, according to its name, aims to “protect state secrets”, gives the police and the security apparatus broad powers to monitor and spy on foreign individuals and companies in China.
